One Year Surgiversary!!!
Congratulations, Jackie! I am overjoyed for you and your newly (re)found health! Did you ever in your wildest dreams before WLS think that you would lose 97 pounds in 1 year, stop being diabetic in one year, and have more energy than you had in years? I am struggling to believe that this wonderful tool is going to afford me all kinds of wonderful things like this very soon. I know it hasn't been easy, but you have presevered and served as a role model for pre-ops like me searching for hope and info on this board. You go girl! You are awesome! Thanks for all that you have done for me as I begin this journey. I can't wait to read about your next wow moment and your future triumphs! You are one of the many on this board who makes me proud to tell people that I have made this choice for myself. Thanks again and keep it up! I have no doubt that you will reach your goals.
Hi Robin,
No I never could have even dreamed that I could lose almost 100lbs ever far less in one year!! And once I was diabetic I only saw a bad future ahead of me - I am so glad that is behind me too!!
It is amazing that I can run all over the garden with my 3 year old son - I just could never have done any of that before - and he actually gets out of breath before me - well he is only 3 years old - a very strong 3 - but I will take my victory where I can get it lol!!
I am so excited for you gettting this surgery Robin - after seeing what it has done for me I am excited when anyone gets the surgery - and if you use the tool wisely you will see the results pretty soon!
I am so happy that you are so excited and enthusiastic doing this surgery - you are going to do great!!
Thank you for answering!!
Hi Jackie, I can't believe it's been a year!! Doesn't it seem to have gone by fast? You have done an awesome job of winning this battle of weight. And you are a winner!! I am so thankful to know you, and to have you as my good friend. I've learned so much from you and you are a good example to me. That is one benefit of this wls that I had not prepared myself for, and that is the friendships that I've developed. I didn't know that I would get all these great friends like you!!
Good luck as you continue on your way. You'll get to wherever it is you want to be. I know you will because - well because you are that kind of Sottish lady!!
love you!