1 week Post Op from Lower Lift
Well, I had my 1 week Post op appointment (actually 6 days). I'm doing good. They replaced some steri-strips near my butt cleavage, which is good. Got to keep that incision closed. I got all 4 of my drain out because I didn't have much coming out. So, now I don't have to take my life in my own hands when I'm walking around! I seemed to get tangled up whenever I walked. What a relief!
Let me tell you something. My outer thighs look freaking amazing!! I used to have "duffel bags" on the sides. they are gone. It's so smooth and tight! I do have the flat butt. He took a little over 3 pounds of pure skin off, not tissue. He said I virtually have no fat back there to begin with. That's why auto-augmentation was kinda out of the question. I'm down to 141 pounds from the 145 the day of surgery and I still have some swelling, though it nominal. Was it worth it? Heck ya! Is is painful? Heck Ya! Am I happy. Heck ya!
I will say that I think my first surgery was more painful (TT/BA and BL). This one was more a mobility issue. Sitting can be difficult. I've spent most of the week laying in bed with my portable DVD player. I've read about 6 books in 5 days. Even though I had the allergic reaction to the drugs on Friday (breathing is SO not overrated!), I'm at about 70% now. Only taking the Vicodins before bed and Tylenol durin the day.
This surgery is not for wimps. Actually none of them are for wimps. I sometimes get mad at myself for letting myself get MO to begin with and now have to endure 3 to 4 surgeries to remove skin. But I cannot undo what has already been done.
So advice for those getting LBL's. Get a raised toilet seat. Keep plenty of gauze and tape and antibiotic cream on hand. Make sure you have someone to come and do some things for you, mobility is tough. I have been doing the walk/Shuffle now for about a week. I've been taking my vitamins and protein faithfully. Multi-vit, Iron, Bromelain, Arnica, Hair vits, Vitamin E and Green Tea. I think it has really helped me heal fast and get back up and running. I'm not ready to start shopping at the mall yet, but I did go to the grocery store and the doc today and put some lipstick on. I felt better, but tire easy.
Hey Jane,
Glad to hear that you are recovering so nicely now, especially after the scare that you had! Keep doing what you are doing - it's obviously working!
Smooth tight thighs, huh??? Is it okay to say that I am just a wee bit jealous
(just kidding - honestly, I am sooo happy that you are able to do this for yourself)? I can't wait to be on the losers side and be faced with Plastic Surgery decisions.

Only my outer thighs are tight and smooth, but I tell you it looks 150% better than before. One day you can join the "plastic" club. I have to say that plastics has been the most rewarding of this journey. It sad and the same time a big relief to get all the remanents of my formerly fat self surgically removed. Just one more surgery and I think I'm done...until my face starts to sag anyway!lol
Loris, you can do it. You have yor tool and you can utilize it at anytime. When I first met you I was about 163. This morning I'm 140. Yeah, 23 pounds since lexington. Of course it helps that some of that was surgically removed! Once you get 20 pounds from goal weight, start seeking plastics. You'd be surprised how it can kickstart your'e weightloss again.
Jane you are doing great!!! I am so jealous and want to be where you are one day! I know it will be tough but once it is done, it is done! You will get more mobile every day and now have a body to die for. I think I would find it hard to walk past a mirror right now lol!!
You are such a strong and determined woman and I am full of admiration for you! Any more surgeries or are you done now?