New Boot Camp - Woodbridge/Quantico/Stafford/Dumfries area
I am in the process of starting up a boot camp in the Woodbridge, Southbridge, Dumfries, Quantico, Stafford area...
I have put out some fielders to some Drill Sergeants. The group will meet for an hour Monday thru Friday at 4:30 or 5:00 am and I am seeking to do one at 6:30 or 7pm as well. I will also see if there i interest in doing a boot camp on Saturdays as well for those who can not meet during the week...
The cost will be approximately $150-175 per month per person and we will meet rain sleet or shine so get ready ! I am looking for sites to host the boot camp and will locate an alternative indoor site for imclement weather, possibly at my shopping center site near Quantico. We will offer a "peek week" for $50 to see if you are up for it before you commit.
If you are serious about health and fitness and looking for a great workout experience AND are COMMITTED to getting healthier and "fab", email me to express your interest and I will send you the info as we shape up (cute huh?) ([email protected] [email protected] )