Ok, I have to admit ...
Ok, I have to admit something to you all...
I dont know if this has happened to anyone else, but since I have lost weight, I have become a compulsive underwear shopper.
I cant leave a department store without at least looking at them. I usually end up buying at least a pair or two, especially if they are on sale. Now granted, I need to buy new ones due to the fact that the old ones are way too big, (Remember my tread mill ordeal?) but I dont need to have 30 pairs of the things!
I have discovered that as I shrink, my taste in clothes have changed. I now wear clothes that require different style panties. (You cant wear granny panties with low rider jeans you know....)
I have bought ones that I would have never thought of wearing before! I realize that a lot of you have graduated from grannies to butt floss by now, I am some where in between of those two.
Now some of you may think that I am crazy, but I would have to guess that a lot of you are also undie junkies. Unless, of course you are a man, and even then, I can not be sure ...
With all of the weight loss, I have become a self proclamed undie-junkie. I cant help myself, I dont want to help myself and I am proud of it!!!!!

OM-Cathy - I have to share this one with Jon!!! I am the same way...I don't know how many pair I have...too many to count. I think my favorites are the ones from Aeropostale and American Eagle....I love the way the fit...and they fit so good with the low rise jeans! Thanks for the laugh!!! It's nice to know there is another undie junkie out there!
Tootles to you too! (My daughter and I say that to each other all the time!)

OMG Kathy. You are outrageous. Now I was doing the bikinis, thongs, and floss before I had surgery but to do them now is so much more fun. When all of my stuff finally got too big it was sooooo fun to be able to go to Victoria Secrets and buy some new stuff. I just strutted around the mall with my Vickie's bag. Shoes are another big thing for me. My most recent purchase, $55 red, strappy, heels to match my Valentine dress. It is totally outrageous.