I just got off the phone with Aetna .. they are approving my claim . My doctors agreed that my disease is dibilitating and could take up to a year or better to get regulated on my dosages of hydrocortisone . And that taking this type of steroid does create the fibromilagia I experience and the inablitiy to deal with stress whether good or bad .
It is hard for people to understand the physics of Adrenal Insufficiency . While people with adrenal glands produce cortisol . I do not . This is the hormone that regulates almost everything you do ... I now have to carry around an emergency injection , where If I have a crisis someone can give to me to keep me from going into a coma . Most do not know this , but I have had several adrenal crisisis .. one that put me in the hospital not too long ago . It is very scary .. If I miss a dose .. or get sick with the flu or virus .. I have to increase my meds .. and if it gets too bad with fever I have to get admitted .. it really does scare me .. but is manageable .
I am so glad they approved me , I can not get on with getting retrained for employment. Once this is all over . I was about to loose faith .
The funny thing is .. the hold up was my employer . They where submitting the wrong dates for me .
Thanks and have a great night !
Nat, I understand all too well what your adrenal gland does. My daughter is fighting an autoimmune disease and among other drugs, also takes high-dose steroids (prednisone). One of the things she knows is that you have to take your meds every day and at pretty much the same time. If you don't, you can go into serious distress and it can even be life threatening, as you well know. I know you've done your research on the steroids, but be sure you keep up on your calcium. It leaches it from your bones and my 26-year old daughter takes even more calcium than us gastric bypass patients as well as once-a-month Boniva to be sure she doesn't develop premature osteoporosis. Steroids are a wonderful lifesaving drug, but they also have God-awful side effects (mood-swings, night sweats, brain racing.....on and on).
Just concentrate on getting well and thinking positive! I would sure like to see you soon. It's been way too long.. ~~Gail~~