I can't win..lol
Ok so today I go to the Dr's..for a checkup..well she said she needs me to eat more..EAT MORE..I feel like I am eating to much now.I also have to get more protein and water in for I am loosing on a slow rate.IM thinking I am eating the wrong things maybe..I do eat carbs and they agree with me..I try not to but maybe once a week sometimes two if I have a sandwhich.Anyways...lol..IM down 47 pds..so that brings me to 223..I have finally moved a size in clothing tho Im not liking how shirts fit me for I am a bottom heavy girl and the top being smaller they look stupid..lol...Ohhhh and while I was waiting I picked up a copy of OH and was flipping threw and who did I come across..are Virgina Marilyn Monroe...lol..OK anyways wanted to vent just a tad..maybe someone who has free time (god knows I do I have no life..lol) might want to fill me in on maybe some menues or something so I can eat on the right track..lol..OK IM DONE..IM rambling..lol
Sounds pretty dang frustrating for sure.
My weigh loss seems to have stalled at 280 for going on 3 weeks now after losing 128 since Sep 06. But it seems to be starting to move again and it has required some significant patience on my part. BUT, they are right, when I don't get my 60+gm of protein and 4 bottles of water, the weight loss slows. It also helps to get some kind of exercise but I'll stay off that topic. I'm locked into my Pure Protein bars, 3 to 4 or 5 a day at 20 gms each get sme my protein and still in a format I am chewing rathger than drinking. Food is still relatively in small amounts, which also frustrates me at times. Can't finish a burrito or sandwich or single small slice of pizza. Seems I still struggle with bread and bread products (although tortillas seems to go down best).
I think you are right on your perspective of eating enough but needing to focus on more protein and water. Sorry about your bottom heavy loss process. I lose it every where but my butt and stomach last. I have even dropped a shoe size. I can feel my hip bones but my butt is still National Geographic material. it looks like they put me together between the butt and the stomach and the stomach slid forward before I stuck together. Grrrr LOL!
How are yu doing with your vitamins, espcially the A&D that was giving you trouble? You still having any more energy problems???
Energy is picking up a tad,I think part of it is from bordom knowing no one really kinda dampers the spirit.The A&D well Janine said to take them seperate..see if that helps so to the vitamin store I go agian to buy them in two.I don't know how you get those bars in..lol..I been struggling with them,first it's hard to find a good one and secound some of them are HUGE..lol
The A&D I use is a small gel pill I get at Walgreens that is $3.99 a bottle. Walgreens also has a B-12 tablet I use that I break in half and it dissolves quickly and the subliminal Liquid B-complex I use to improve my energy level.
The Pure Protein bars are 1.76 oz per bar with 20 gms protein and the Chocolate Deluxe flavor is the lowest in calories and sugar (170 calories, 40 from fat, 0 gm sugar, 7 gm Sugar alocohol; drink at least 8 oz of water when eating) and tastes pretty darn good, the best of all the protein bars or liquids I've tried, unless you prefer peanut or peanut butter flavor, then I'd go with the DETOUR Lower Sugar Caramel Peanut bar. The DETOUR bar is a 1.5 oz whey protein engery bar with 15 gm of protein, 170 calories, 45 from fat, 3 gm sugar no sugar alcohol. Both of these I get from Wal-Mart, $5.97 for a box of 6.
Four bars a day, one or two in the mid morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening is 60-80 gms of protein not counting any other food intake, so I don't have to count everything or keep a bunch of numbers in my head.
This approach makes it easier for me to stay on track. Might be worth trying for simplicity if that would help you too.
Honey, you got to make the most of this time. I wouldn't have even attempted to touch a sandwich until I was about 8 months out. I was actually scared to do it. Push the protein, the water, the vitamins, the exercise. It really works. Eating more calories always makes me drop more weight. Haven't figured that one out yet?!
Crappy picture they put of me in that magazine. I have much better ones. I've lost about 27 pounds since then too. I still ahve the dress but it's wayyyy too big now, so it will end up on ebay soon!
As for menues. I actually have a fiormula that I use. 30% carbs, 50% protein, 20% Fats/Other It works out pretty good for me. Use fitday.com to log your food.
Hmm the sandwhich Idea came from my dr (I think when I was 6 weeks out )..lol,,,I only eat like a half of a half..not that bad I assume.I do try roll ups more often then bread.Im trying hard with the protein and the water but will continue to try harder.Vitamins thats another story..for the most part I get me C and my Flintstone and my B-12 in...the rest ahh well it's a day to day process.I also take almost 14 scripts..I feel like a drug addic.
I thought the pic was a decent one.Congrats on the extra 17 gone..you have done well.
Menues..hmmm..I think I just need to hire someone..going to the nutrition woman here and she has taught me nothing really.I couldn't even tell you by reading a label if's decent or not..maybe thats where my issue is??lol..anyways.,.I guess I just need the easy way for my brain to get it..like what to eat and amount and what it gives me in protein,carbs,calories..This sure does get frustrating..lol
I was 8 months out before I tried sandwich pieces, too. Didn't your nutritionist provide you with a book of recipes?
I eat very simple foods, protein drinks and a few protein bars a week, non-fat plain yogurt by the gallon, nuts, dried or fresh fruit, steel cut oats, pretzels when I can't go without carbs any longer, lots of cheese, cottage cheese. If I go out I might be a little adventurous, like Carolina bbq, or a nice salad. "Keep is siimply stupid" is my motto. Along with "Get off your butt and MOVE it!". I was out trotting in the cold for an hour during my free period yesterday.
Are you going to a support group? This should be the FUN time of your journey. You should be on the fast track now. Enjoy it!
Seriously, get recipes from your nutritionist and get hooked up with a support group in the Tidewater area. You'll meet more members there.
Good luck!

Hey Naomi, the doctor has a good point. If you are not eating enough, your body will go into starvation mode and it will make you losing process slower. Protein and water are definitely big keys to making you lose. As for the carbs, we do need some carbs in our systems. Make sure you are chosing the good ones, go for whole grain, whole wheat things. The options are abundant out there just keep looking. For extra protein, try adding more shakes, cheese, beef jerky, nuts, and such to your diet. I had a lot of trouble with the water intake because I am just not a big water drinker. In order to get my water in, I have to have something flavored like crystal light, propel, etc. Just keep trying things til you find something that works.

Yes, You must eat .. it fuels your motabolism .. but you must make wise pouch choices . Right now , if it where me .. I would avoid Bread like the plague .. as well as all white carbs . My rules was 20 20 120 .. 20 grams Fat .. 20 grams Carbs .. and 120 grams protein .. and it worked . I can honestly say when I was loosing weight I never hit a platueau .. I always changed up my eating .. my exercising .. as your body will become acustomed to normalcy.. and want you to change up .
There are ways to get around the carbs .. Here are a few .
Want a sandwich but not the bread .
Grab some iceburg lettuce . Lay your favorite Low Fat Sandwich meat on the inside, add some cheese .. you may even want to spread on some mayo ( I do not eat Fat Free mayo - has too much sugar ) or mustard .. roll it up .. wala .. you have great sammie with out the bread .
Want some cheese Nips.. Make your own .
Get some shredded cheese .. heat up a skillet - no stick .. sprinkle in the cheese .. let it coo****il it gets crunchy looking .. take it out of the pan .. crack them up .. and you have your very own cheese nips with out the breading .
Want Lasagne but not the noodles ..
If you like mushrooms. Get a big portabella mushroom .. gently clean it off .. bake it in the broiler for about 5 minutes. Befor you bake .. brush with some EVOO ..
Make your spagetti sauce .. add some turkey meat .. or turkey sausage .. spread over your mushroom .. add some ricotta cheese if you like or shredded chedar .. and looky there .. Pasta with out the pasta .
I could go on and on .. but you get where I am going with this . Modify your eats .. to suite a low carb .. low fat lifestyle ... water .. protein exercise ... they all go hand and hand.
Take care,