What would you do?
Hi All,
I was finally approved for surgery on Jan. 23rd after my 2nd appeal. Yeah! BUT... now my surgeon is probably not going to get me on the schedule until June. I am thinking about switching surgeons. Another group in town here says that I would POSSIBLY be able to get surgery within a couple weeks. I would have to pay another $500 fee, go through all of their pre-op classes, another psych eval (this one would include the long test), and get this - get approved again. My insurance company said that it would PROBABLY not be a problem to approve me again, but I would hate to have to go through what I went through before. What would you do - wait 'til June or pay the extra money and go through the whole process again on a chance that you could get the surgery in a few weeks?
WOW that is a hard decision . Do you really want to go through it all again ? And is if worth the risk of it not being approved again . I tell you , I started my journey in Feb.. and did not get my surgery till May . I was glad I did it this way . It gave me time to prepare for my new life .. get some things in order .. and it came . While June seems like a ways away .. well .. it really is'nt .
If you could keep your date with the surgeon now for June ... and maybe try another surgeon to see what happens???
I truly think in my heart that you should stay where you are for now . Do all they ask you to .. and take this time to prepare . You will get there for sure ..
I know you will make the right decision for you .. and I wish you the best as always,
Hi Nat,
No, I don't want to go through it again - it was a royal pain in the a$$. I'm just impatient! You're right - I have waited this long. What's another month or two. I'll keep exercising, save the $500 for new clothes later on, and try to chill out.
Thanks for your advice. I really appreciate it! I knew I could count on all of you guys to settle me back down!
Take Care,
Robin, I really feel like you should just tough it out but I would see if they can at least get you on the schedule. At least then you will have your date. If they say they can't ask why and explain your concerned that you would have to do some of your tests again. I would really hate it if you changed and paid that extra money and then what if they couldn't get you in a couple weeks or god forbid you are declined again. I wouldn't want to chance it. It will be here before you know it!!! Like Nat says take the time to prepare.
Love ya!!
Hi Robin,
I have been waiting since orientation in August. I was not expecting to be called for a consult and have surgery until at least May at Portsmouth Naval Medical Center. (I have Tricare prime and chose not to go to Tricare standard to have surgery quicker by a civilian doc)
Truthfull the time has gone fast and I meet with the doc on March 8th--after my cruise!
Hey I want to be able to eat on the cruise!
I like Nat's idea too. As far as a different surgeon I would go with Jane's doc ,Dr. Clark, if you do look elsewhere. He seems to be well regarded in our area.
Remember, no matter what you do, we are here to support you!

Hi Jen,
Dr. Clark was who I was thinking about changing too. But, after reading all of the wonderful advice that you guys, my OH family, have given me, I'm gonna stick it out. I went with Dr. Wohlgemuth because I thought he was the best (and because he is a personal friend); so I shouldn't start second guessing myself. Thanks for giving me you thoughts and support. I really appreciate it!
Good luck with your consult!
Hey Robin!
I know how frustrated you are! I started my process in November and didn't get surgery until June. I would definitely not risk losing my approval! It's not worth it to save a couple of months. February is already almost half over so you are talking about a little over 3 months. That is pretty standard for Norfolk Surgical. There are other surgeons in the area (I think Dr Schectner--however you spell it and Dr Yancy do it but they only do open...you can get in there within a month or 2 AFTER you do all of your preops). Also, at one point I got frustrated with Norfolk Surgical and I called their office and they said "We do not steal patients" and refused to take me. By the time you go through all of those tests and then the approval process, I would bet that you may not do any better than late April or May so now you are talking about a difference of a month or so. What if you go to the new psych doc and they say that you are not mentally ready for surgery...they are all different. I got denied by the first psych doctor and went right to another one who approved me right away. Did you try asking Norfolk Surgical if there is another surgeon in the group who can operate quicker?
Hope that helped! I know you are anxious but you are coming into the home stretch...
Good luck!
start/current/surgeon's goal/my goal
Hey, Christine,
You're doing great - 90 pounds gone already. I am sooo happy for you!
I didn't even think of the fact that they might not take me. I also didn't think about asking if there was another doc in the group who could do me sooner. Maybe I'll call tomorrow and see if that's a possibility. I'm kind of afraid to call and bother Becky - she's not nearly as nice as Lola!
I started this whole process in August of 2006 thinking I would have my surgery in December according to the timeline they laid out. I guess that's why I am so frustrated. I just need to try to forget about how long I've waited and think about how much living I am going to do after WLS, right?
Thanks for your advice and support. Keep up the great work, girl!

Robin as frustrated as you are don't try to change to a different practice - the insutance are fickle creatures and any excuse for a refusal works for them... maybe see if another doctor in the same practise could operate on you quicker is a better option and if not use this time to get yourself and your affairs really prepared. I know you do not want the delay but at least at this time there is light at the end of the tunnel. The other thing you could do is ask to be put on the list if anyone does cancel and go in at very short notice. Sometimes people get ill or get colds and their surgery has to be postponed - they may be able to take you then.
Don't worry if the receptionist and nurses are not nice to you - this is your body and your surgery and they are not the ones operating on you. Ask for what you want - all they can say is no and you are no worse off.
Good luck