Hi Everyone. I need ya'll help I went to the doc the other day for my 2 months check up. I told my doc that I can eat ANYTHING..NOTHING get me sick. Now keep in mind I can only have 2 or 3 bites an am full but nothing I mean nothing get me sick. So time I just wish I would get sick just so I know what the feeling feel like. I know your say NO you don't want that feeling. But sometime I say to my self did I have the surgery or not. Was he one of these sicko doc that just open me up to see what inside of me. lol..Really when I say I can eat any thing I mean any thing. I can eat stake, ground beef, rice, breads, suger etc...the only thing I feel diffent is that I can only have 2 or 3 bits an then I think am full. For awhile there I wasn't full my pouch all the way up so I was eating every 15 mins. But I learn to full that baby up now. So I only eat 3 meals an 3 snacks. Can someone tell me if there the same way that I am. sofar I loss 42 lbs an I think that's great. before the surgery it use to take me a year or so just to lose 40 lbs. An is there a time after you have the surgery is when you start to lose your hair?? so far I havn't lose any ;yet..But I do take all my vitiams an I try to take in all my protine. But that's the hardest. Well I can't wait to here back from some of ya'll about this. I look at everyone before an after pics an I say to myself. That what your going to look like maria soon. Take care ya'll have a GREAT VALATINE DAY..MARIA
Congrats on the weight loss . That is awesome .
You first need to remember that your pouch is your tool . What you put in it is up to you . I would stay so far away from bread , sugar and high fats right now . Getting sick is not what determines a good surgery . Remember your body is replumbed and you may not react the same as the next RNY patient .
I would definatly look at what you are eating again . Stay far away from Bad Carbs . Drink your protein shakes .. keep your water up and exercise .. this is how the tool works .
Hair loss normally starts around month 3 .. and you can really assist keeping it by upping your protein and maybe starting to take Biotin . This is a great suppliment to take when having this surgery for hair loss .. and hair regrowth . It worked for me .
Take care and best wishes .
Maria you are doing very well! Like Natalie said - being sick is not a measure of a good surgery. I have never been sick either and it has been almost a year for me. Please make sure these 2 or 3 bites you are having are protein bites not carbs - protein first. Also you should not be eating rice, bread and sugar at this stage - almost at any stage really. I still do not eat them. Testing your limits is dangerous because once you know you can eat what you like you can abuse your tool. I have never dumped because I am afraid to test my limits - and as long as I am afraid I will not do it!
Taking your protein and vits will help with hair loss - I never had any hair loss either. I was lucky but take all my vits and protein every day and I never miss a day. I drink plenty too and I exercise regularly.
Eating carbs will catch up with you someday so it is better to stop now while you are at the early stages. I am surprised that your doctor did not tell you to stay away from rice, bread and sugar - none of which is any good for us.
You need to make sure you change your eating habits before you end your honeymoon period because once that happens you have to fight for every 1lb you lose. I know because that is the stage I am at now....
So good luck and try and modify what you are eating so you eat less carbs - carbs are not our friends!
Congrats on your success Maria. I know exactly what you mean. Not much disagrees with me. It makes it frustrating because of the fears of not being able to control myself and eventually falling into bad habits. I have to have 3 meals a day and 2-3 snacks. My hair started coming out about 2-3 months out. I was taking all my supplements but that didn't help much. Some people never have a problem with their hair. Hope some of this helps.

Hi Courtney..An Thank God there someone out there that is like it's very frustrating because your right I fear I will go back an eat like I use to. Even though I can only eat 2 or 3 bites it's not good for you. Well like they said I have a tool I need to use it right. and thank god everyday for this tool. Thanks Maria
Hi Maria, you're doing great!! I am unfortunately one of those that can't eat everything - I get really sick. Is that good? Naw, it just means I can't eat things and ge sick. But I think one of the best things I've ever heard was to just not test the waters. Don't see how much sugar you can eat, or bread, etc. Just assume it's not something you should be eating.
Remember - fill up first on protein, leave the rest to just a teeny bit. You're going to continue to lose just don't test the food. I an 17 months out and an one of the fortunate ones that didn't lose any hair I take 3000 mg of Biotin every day and have six months prior to surgery. I don't know if that helped or not.
Also, I think Maria, that just cause you don't get sick now doesn't mean it won't happen. I've heard alot of people say that after x number of months now they can't eat such and such. So that may change for you. But don't test it Maria. and the fact that you can only eat 2 or 3 bites shows that yes indeed you did have surgery.

Thanks Donna. I wish I would have know about this biotin months ago because I would have been on them. And yes I heard that just because you don't get sick now don't mean that you wont down there road. Am Just going to be doing what the doc an yall say. I don't want to gain my weight back at all. I rember how I felt 2 months ago before my surgery an I don't never want to go back to the OLD MARIA> thanks again...Maria
Maria, I think the one thing that hasn't been said enough lately is that you can gain ALL this weight back and then some. Right now you maybe able to eat those things and not have any repercussions but someday that will catch up to you. As you get further along your pouch stretches out and the more you can eat, the more fat/calories you absorb. If you can imagine, once you're up to eating 8 oz or so a day, you will no longer lose weight and you'll be lucky to stay at the same weight. My best friend works with a lot of people who have had this surgery and she see's it all the time. The girls gain their weight back. They abuse the system. They looked at it as a way to eat whatever they want and stay skinny. Sometimes it just doesn't work that way.
It's a good and bad thing that you can eat that stuff. Getting sick is no fun at all. This surgery isn't set up to make you sick from eating bad stuff. You have to do that all on your own. This is a lifestyle change. I would hope that your doctor would've really focused on that. Did you have to have a psych eval before your surgery???
I made it very clear to myself that this was not going to be easy and that I would not allow myself to go back to my old eating habits (even if I could). I can tolerate more sugar than most, but I don't pu**** I eat as much Sugar Free or No Sugar Added as possible. Sometimes I slip and eat one Hershey's Kiss or a bite of Carrot Cake. I'm not proud of that, but I need to be accountable for my actions.
Like someone else said, don't gamble with your life. One of these days it might not just make you sick, it may put you in the hospital.
Congrats on your loss, it sounds like you're doing well in that department. Normally most lose their hair starting at 3 months, I'm close to 7 and barely lost anything but I don't play around with not taking my supplements. I also use Avalon Shampoo with Biotin in it once a week.
Good luck with everything!