embarrassing wow momemt
I went to the gym today for my work out. I got on the tread mill, started out doing about 3.8 walking. I felt pretty good, so I took it up to about 4.7 and started a very light jog. It was at that point that I felt a slipping feeling. Not a good slipping feeling I might add. My panties were falling off under my work out pants. They feel completely off of my butt. I couldnt just reach way down into my yoga pants to pull them back up. I was so embarrased. I jumped off of the tread mill and nearly ran to the bathroom to pull them back up again. I yanked them up so high, that I just about gave myself a wedgie!
I did not let that stop me from my work out, I jumped up on one of those elipical (spelling) thingies and went to town.
Have a great day!