2 yrs post op gastric bypass
Hi everyone. It has been quite sometime since I have posted anything here on the website. It has been two years since i had my open gastric bypass and have lost 110 lbs. Over that last few weeks I have been having sharp qucik pains in the middle of my chest and it is reminds me of the Acid refulx and esophogeal spasms I had before I lost my weight. Has anyone else been experiancing this and if so can you tell me what to do. I am worried it is my heart, the Dr's did an EKG blood labs and monitored my for 5 hours last night, but I am having the sharp pains again and it really scares me. ANy advice would be very helpful.
Linda Stouder post op 10-11-2004
I had chest pain that started one night out of nowhere and I ended up in the ER and hospital for a few days to have a cardiac workup. My heart was fine and dandy but I didn't get answers. I then had a CT scan and endoscopy too which didn't show anything.
It was suggested that I might be having espohageal spasms and there is a test for that though the name isn't coming to me right now. I never got around to having that test. The pain persisted for about 30 days every day until one day I noticed I wasn't having the pains. I tried to figure out what I was doing differently and I realized that I had taken my vitamins with hot tea. Seriously that was all that was different. Apparently swallowing some of the bigger pills was triggering the esophageal spasms. So, I changed forms of certain pf my vitamins to capsules rather than hard large pills and others that I still take in pill form I cut into quarters. I've probably only had spasms maybe 4-5 times since the daily pains subsided 7-8 months ago and I know that at least 2 of those times was under great periods of stress (FIL was in the hospital ER).