I'm a loser
Well I'm back from surgery. Had Lap band yesterday. Not feeling all that great, the darn pills for pain gave me the dry heaves, or I guess what you all call PBing. Anyway now my guts really hurt so all I've had was a lime popsicle and water. Anyway, I'm ok, just need to "gut" it out. I tried cutting the pills then mashing them (percoset) and well, I only got half of them down before they got stuck.
Tomorrow has to be better.
Woooohoooo congrats on becoming a big loser 

As for the pain, I would call your doc and ask if you can have oxycodene(sp) that's what I had in liquid form. I went down easy didn't have much of a taste. It really helped too. Like everyone else said the first couple of weeks are tough but it does get better and the pain you initially have to go through is so worth it!!! Your on your way girlfriend!!!

I don't know anything about lapband, but with all surgeries the first few days are usually the roughest and then things start to get better - so hang in there.... I know after RNY I had to crush all pills for a couple of weeks or so and I would imagine you should probably be doing the same....
You could call the doctor and make sure that everything is normal....
hey there I'm getting better. I had some tea and put the pain meds in it all crushed and got most of it down. Had a couple of tablespoons of cream soup and a popiscle. We are making homemade soup-the stuff out of the can tastes like a salt factory. Also sugar even in the sugar free popsicles is intense. anyway, I am ok, just sore and tired. Thanks for the support. So I hope to make some soup that I can put the whey protein in without breaking it down. I have been sipping all day as well. I am starting to get ansy and want to move more. I hope it doesn't snow so I can go run out with my son to the walking track at George Mason tomorrow.
Well it is not due to snow until tomorrow so you will get your wish to go to the walking track lol! Moving around will make you feel better as long as you do not overdo it. So take things easy - remember that yoiu just had surgery!! You will soon be able to sip more and food will start to taste a bit better once all the anesthetic gets out of your system....
I know as an RNY food tasted saltier and sweeter after surgery and even now I barely touch salt and barely eveer eat anything with more than 5g of sugar at one time - sugar free if I can find it.
You will get used to things I promise...
Naomi, my last name is Hopewell, I don't actually live in Hopewell, VA. My husband's family settled the area way back in the 1700's and took their name off the "Good Ship Hopewell." the name of the ship that took them to America, and I think the town took the name of fthe ship as well. I live in Manassas. I am lucky because I live about one mile from the George Mason University Freedom Center and they have a walking track. 7 times around is a mile. We didn't get to GMU we went to the grocery store to make a pre-snow run for TP, I expected to be all tempted by the food and I really didn't care. I was in Wegman's with the best bakery in a grocery store, I didn't even care. All I wanted was sodium free soup. So I walked slowly around the store for an hour.
So, thanks Naomi, if I'm ever in Hopewell, I'll let you know. Thanks for thinking of me.
Oh, and I suppose I should use spell check better!