C-section at NMCP?
Have any of you had a c-section at Portsmouth? I am currently in my 36th week of pregnancy and my baby is still breech. If he doesn't turn, I will have to have a c-section and this is my first baby. I was wondering if anyone has had a c-section at NMCP, could you please email me? I have a few questions that I can't seem to get straight answers for at the OB clinic. Too many military doctors!
Thank you!
[email protected]
Good Morning Wendy~
I think my question pertains more to how Portsmouth runs the show, but I will ask you anyways. I plan to breastfeed, and I took a breastfeeding class yesterday. The nurse running the class said that if we have a c-section that we won't get to have the 'skin to skin' contact at first with our newborns because after they pull him out, I get to see him for a minute then they take him to recover in the nursery for FOUR TO SIX HOURS and I recover in a seperate room. That really upsets me, because the c-section isn't by choice, and now they are telling me that I won't even be able to hold my new baby or try to breastfeed for the first 4 to 6 hours of his life. Do you remember any of this? Even if you didn't breastfeed, do you remember how long the seperation was?
Thanks for responding,
EDD 03/06/07 with Dylan
Hey Stacy,
My firstborn was breech, so we scheduled the c-section. The nurse was correct, due to the surgery, you most likely wont be able to hold the baby immediately, as they will show him to you then take him for apgar scoring, cleanup etc. My husband could have held him at that point though, so maybe yours can. They did all this in the OR room, just off to the side, so I could see everything. Then they wrapped him up, and brought him to my husband, who put him by my face.. no the surgical area had to stay sterile, so I couldn't hold him. I did have my hands free (at my insistance) so I could "help" hold him close to my head lol.
I also nursed, and made my husband go with my son to the nursery for eval, and stay with him until the brought him to my room.. which wasn't long, prolly an hour, cuz they had to finish sewing me up, cleaning me up, and get me settled into my room and comfy. They came in shortly after with the baby and I didn't let him stay in the nursery at all after that, he roomed with me.
I think it just depends on hospital and surgeon procedures as far as how long they have to wait b4 you get your child. Just remember, its your baby!
Sorry that I don't have the exact info that you are looking for but I have had two c-sections (both planned). My husband got to hold our girls and then once in the recovery room I held them. I wanted to assure you that if you want your baby to latch on immediately this is totally up to you. I fed my first one in the recovery room (even though the nurse suggested that maybe I wait) I wanted to get her started. The other one went to the nursery for her first bath and stuff (my husband went with her) then they brought her to me and I nursed her immediatley (total time about 1 hour) My point is this, you are in charge of when you get to breastfeed your child (of course there are exceptions with complications) so just tell them your preference. I have never had a problem and it worked wonderfully. What an exciting time for you !
good luck,
I had two C-sections in Roanoke, VA AND my hysterectomy through the same bikini-line scar. I am a happy camper about it all, too. Funny--I was talking to my students about that just 5 minutes ago. One has a sister-in-law having a 1st time section for breech delivery next week.
Good luck, and ENJOY no pain!!

Hello Lois~
I don't really mind the c-section as much as the seperation time that I was told was going to be involved right after they pull him out. (Read my long response to Wendy)
It figures he is breech! What a stubborn little baby already. My husband says he is taking after me already.
EDD 03/06/07 with Dylan

Hello Stacy,
I had my last child at the new PNH in June of 2004. I am also a prior Nursery/Women's Health RN. I worked in the Va Beach hospitals..Bayside and Norfolk General and CHKD NICU stepdown for some years. I was also a lactation consultant.
It all depends on the APGARS of your baby. There would be NO REASON for them to wrap him/her up and take her away so fast unless further intervention was needed in the special care nursery. If you are a scheduled C-section and all goes well, they will swaddle her and give her to you and your husband while you are still on the table. After a while she will need to go back to the warmer, get routine newborn meds, have her length, weight, and head circumference done. Her temp needs to stabilize because she is transitioning. The baby will be rooming in with you there also.
My c-section was emergency. I was taken by rescue from Damneck to PNH due to low fetal heart rate/fetal distress. Actually, I have a picture of us holding her right after she was delivered by C-section...so you do get to be with your baby. My baby stabilized enough for me to be able to hold her.
If you have any other questions contact me. One of the goals for childbirth is maternal/baby bonding and the first way to implement that is to have the mother hold the baby. It is not protocol for the baby to rush out unless there is a medical emergency..which of course takes priority over the holding.
PS...I can't stand it when well meaning people such as that nurse jumble their facts. Relax if possible. It is hard when people tell you things that aren't exactly correct. I was VERY impressed with the care that I got there.
Big Hugs and CONGRATS on baby !!
Thanks for your reply, it did make me feel better. I had my WLS at Portsmouth in May of 2005 and had good care with Bariatrics, so I figured the maternity ward would have to be the same way!
I am just getting nervous and anxious as the day approaches to meet my little boy. This is my first baby and a c-section isn't something I anticipated until a few days ago when the OB did an ultrasound and saw he was still breech. He could still turn, they will check me every week. But if not, a c-section will have to be done.
When the lactation consultant said he would be taken away for hours, but husbands could go with the baby, I freaked out. I can understand the doctors needing to stitch me up and making sure that we are both OK, but why the 4 to 6 hour time span unless there was a problem?
Like I said before, I am just being a nervous mom. This is all new to me, and I guess being hormonal with only 3 weeks or so left, I am going to freak out over everything.
Thanks for your response, I appreciate it!
EDD 03/06/07 with Dylan - If he turns!! If not, c-section the week before.

i had my son june of 05' at 37 weeks, because of my blood pressure continuing to be so high, 174/124, i bled and had to have 2 bags of blood, i didnt choose to breast feed and i didnt get to hold my son about 5 hours, my husband got to go to the nursery and hold him before i got to. portsmouth wants the baby with you as soon as possible, but i couldnt be alone with him because of the meds and the possibility of seizures afterwards. im sure as soon as they do the standard procedures and baby is doing fine, they will bring him immediatly!! i dont feel i missed out on any bonding time, i couldnt imagine being closer with my lil one. just be sure too insist on having him with you as soon as possible!!