Exciting, scary step
Well I did it. I am still hyperventilating from it. But I did it. I am sched for Plastics on March 19. I am having a Tummy Tuck with muscle repair, Breast lift and Augmentation as well as Lipo. Whew. I am ready for it, but scared to death. It happens to be a few days before my two year RYN anniversary. What a way to celebrate. I have seen several PS over the last 2 months. It's a lot to take in.
But I trust I have made the correct choice. Any words of wisdom you have to share would be much appreciated.

Yes sweetie I did here is the info. Her carrot cake is the bomb as well as the one she uses rasberry filling go**** was tongue slapping good lol:
hunbakery@comcast.net - www.hungarianbakery.com Her name is Kathy and its a shame you arent closer I have some carrot cake left from my moms party Id let u taste it. She is a very nice lady who does this out of her home but she has the web sight and you can email her.
I clicked on the link for the bakery and I could not find any Sugar Free items listed???? Does she only do by special order? Does she also provide any kind of nutritional info (calories/carbs per slice). It sounds so great I wanted to get one for my support group meeting but I also wanted to e able to tell them the nutritional data if possible.
Yeah! Susan getting new Boobies!!!! I guess you and Nat will be joining the "Enhanced" girls club pretty soon. I'm I the only one getting their booty lifted out of the bunch of us? I'm feeling,left out here...lol.
Hey, you picked the right ones to get done. They make a world of difference in how you feel, not to mention after all your swelling is gone, you will be in a smaller size. That's the best part, but you got to be patient.
Some words of advice. If you don't have a recliner, rent one. I couldn't sleep in the bed for about a week. You stomach muscles are so tight, the action of getting in and out of bed is near impossible to do without being in serious pain. Frozen peas make good Ice compresses. Get two. One for each boob!
Thanks Jane, keep all that good advise coming, I will need it. I do have reclining sofa's so I think I will be okay there. I can only hope my results turn out as well as yours have. Good luck next wed. I will be on a plane flying to Daytona Beach looking for some warmer weather while you are preping for surgery. I will be thinking of you.
keep us all posted,