newcomer to VA forum
Melissa - welcome to the board! You don't need to lurk - as you can see we are very friendly and welcome new people. The reason we know one another is through planned events that we all attend. We are like a big family and are here to support one another and help each other get through any experience that we may be struggling with or need advice about..... so please feel free to just jump in feet first!
There are many support groups here. Sue Baker and myself run one in Stafford/Fredericksburg - if you want to know more please feel free to email me for more details.
I hope you will like this board and participate often

Welcome Melissa, as everyone else has said this is a great bunch of folks on this board. Everyone is so friendly and supportive.
I am 10 days post-op and I have had problems for a while, just didn't realize it. So never thought to go to the doctor about them. My symptoms are more like Christina's sharp pains on the right side. Stupid I know but I would always say well it can't be my heart so I am okay. I have always had aches and pains so just thought it was me. Luckily while doing the ultra sound for the gallstones they saw that I did indeed have stones. When they took out my gallbladder durning my RNY it was inflammed. Wow how blessed am I. They just were never bad attaches and would pass fairly quickly. Hope this helps hon!!