If you were planning on attending the Tri-Cities Support Group Meeting tonight at John Randolph Hospital, I have decided to cancel it since the roads are wet and the temperture is freezing. I don't want anyone to risk life or limb trying to make it to a meeting. I would have sent out e mails but my list is on my home computer and I don't have the e mail addys here at work. I am in touch with the hospital co-ordinator trying to get the conference room for another night this month. I will keep everyone posted as to what I find out.
Thank you again and I hope to see each and everyone of you soon.
Lots of Love
Hey Kathy
I went on down last night to JRH to see if anyone was showing up, was about to get on the elevator to leave and as it opened we had some folks coming off the elevator, Julie and her daughter were there as well as Naomi and myself, we had the room opened and stayed for an hour, so that was nice, we had a nice dialogue. See you at the next one.