LOL My first WOW moment...already!!!
Okay last night I was in the kitchen warming up some cream of celery soup for my dinner. My hubby walks in and says your butt is smaller. I'm like really wow you can notice. He said he had noticed the other day but didn't say anything because he thought he must be imagining it because he didn't think I had lost enough weight to have significantly lost buttage.....hehe. I told him I have lost a total of 28lbs from when I started this journey. Funny how you tell them all along the way but they just don't get it yet till it slaps them in the face. I for one can tell you I am so happy to have lost buttage!! I am doing really well and don't miss the gallbladder or the hernia at all. I am down to 242 from 270 and am 8 days post op and feeling great. Getting ready to go for my daily walk. So far my pouch has accepted anything I have eaten and have ony over ate one time. Never again that was not good at all. Course I am staying on the docs diet so it isn't like I am trying anything out in left field. I am not feeling any pain at all now just a slight pulling in one of my insicions. So folks I am well on my way to my new exciting adventure....Wooooooohoooooo.
I've been waiting to hear that first 'wow' moment from you!! That was fast!! Hang on, they're going to keep on coming!!! Enjoy this time Anna, I know you will, it is so exciting, and for me, far outweighed any discomfort, grief of food, or whatever -- it was all so worth it. Have fun honey!! Your adventure will just get better and better!!