I'm not "At Home" at home
I went to the SC board for the first time today. OMG so freaking boring I thought I would fall asleep!!!!! My whole support system is in VA!!!! ok, ok and TX, NY, WA, IL, KY, FL, GA ok the list goes on!!!! I thought maybe I would connect with someone on the SC board!!! NOPE!!! BIG NOPE!!! I'm gonna stick with you VA people!!! As far as my support goes you guys are IT!!!!! I love you all and you know that!
A little side story, ok a couple stories!!!! Ok one a friend texted me yesterday to find out if I was ok because another friend texted her and said Kimmy is being quiet is she ok??? OMG I have never had that in my life!!!! That meant so much to me!!!!! Then for friends to call me from the hospital after an accident, and they are miles and miles away. I'm like WOW, these people are SOOOO much a part of my life!!! Then last night I talked until 2:30am with one of you!!! We laughed and cried and said what on earth would we do without eachother???
LMAO ok ok I know this is NOT on topic for the "other" board as I heard it called in Richmond!!!!
So I will post something later for the pervs!! But I just had to throw my feelings out on the Sex board and the Va board because you people are my strength!!!!!! Hope you know that!!!!!!
Love you all!!
Kimmmyyyyyyyy in SC

Oh Kimmie .. you have no clue what your seeing your smile does to so many .. your kindness , your love and compasion for us all . You have never forgotten me .. at my lowest .. you where there ..
I always love your gifts to me .. especially my Tinkerbelle Lip Gloss .. It sits beside my bed .. so I can remember you .. and your smile ..
As far as other boards go .. VA is a famliy .. these are some of the most loving and caring people I know .. now that I live in MD .. I got to the MD board .. and it is dead .. but here .. we are all one happy family .. with ups and downs .. and struggles.. but you will notice that we all support each other .. and when prayers need to go up for one of us .. OMG you see them all come out ..
So know that you are so LOVED here in Virginia .. Everywhere ..
Like I said .. your smile .. and your true Southern Grace says it all .
Love you .. and I truly wish you where closer .. but South Carolina would miss you way too much ..
Big hug and big kisses to you sweet lady .
Apparently I have ***** blocked her as well!! (But, honestly, I think it is HER fault!!
) I am waiting on her to figure out comments as well!! I have left a few for her, but damn, I get NUTHIN!!
(Love ya anyways my red headed........oh, that was a...hell, I cannot even remember the REAL name now!...geesh!)