Im home
Hey Yall,
Im finally home, Im glad to be on the losing side, but I don't feel all that well. My stomach area hurts, and I feel like I need to burp but can't. (Not that yall want to know that). I hope this doesnt last too much longer, Its driving me nuts. I cant even lay flat because it hurts. Maybe Im being a big baby. I will post later when I can sit here longer. Thanks for the prayers, but keep them coming please.
So glad you have joined us on the losing side. It will take sometime til you feel up to par but it will happen. Once you can burp and pass all the gas inside you will start feeling some All the pain is worth the weight loss that you will experience in the long run. I know after my surgery, for about 1 month I kept asking myself, "Why have I done this to myself???" All those feeling past with time along with the pain of just having your insides messed with and being cut opened. There was times I really felt like I was dying but I made it and everyone else here has to. Just get your rest and make sure you walk around in the house as much as you can and it will help get rid of all those aches and pains that you are having.
Best of luck to ya!!!! And we will diffently send up some extra prayers to help you through this!
Lisa S.
Moni, you got the typical post-op blues. we all get it. Believe me the first 2 to 3 weeks after surgery is the toughest to deal with. As for the burping thing. I couldn't burb until I was about 3 months out. Weird huh? I used to be able to belch like a man, now I have these little tiny "Feminine" burbs.
I had to sleep with 2 body pillows around me and propped up on three pillows to get comfy at night. I also had that nagging g-tube which I think was the worst of it. I was a side and belly sleeper too. Talk about sleep deprivation! Since plastics, I have no choice but to sleep on my back. I've gotten used to it. Besides, it causes less wrinkles!
Welcome to the loser's bench! We missed you at the NoVA get-together, but knew you were probably running around getting ready for your big day.
It gets better...keep walking and getting in your fluids (sip, sip, sip). Things will start happening on the "gas" front.
If you need anything, please let one of us know!
Christina S