When will it stop???
Today is exactly 2 months for me and I am down 60lbs...yay! So, Im feeling good..met my trainer...had a great work out and then met a friend for dinner. We met at Baja Fresh and I ordered a bean bowl...yum! Well, I was starving and I think I ate a little too fast, I know I ate too fast. It wasnt like "normal people" fast but I've been throwing up once an hour ever since. I feel horrible/tired and just need some relief.

Oh, you have done really well in your 2 months.....congrats to you girl!!! I have had a problem sometimes eating too much or eating too fast. The worse I get is when I go to Golden Corral. I usually leave the place sick and very uncomfortable. I have found that if I go shopping afterwards and walk some, the feeling goes away pretty quick. I have been trying to avoid eating out here lately because it is not worth paying for the amount I can eat. It is funny how we can soon forget that we must slow down and watch the amount that we take in at one sitting. Sometimes old habits can be very hard to break!!!!
Lisa S.
Thank you all for your support! Well, it didnt stop so I was admitted over night in the hospital. I recieved a few bags of vitamins and stomach acid reducing medicine. Today I feel a lot better and am thankful that the throwing up/pain is gone! Just a little bump in the road. Dont worry Im already back on the horse.
Thanks Again,