Im having issues please HELP!!!

on 1/29/07 2:12 am - Barboursville, VA
Im stalled with weight and Its coming from pain as well as things going on here at home. My mom has alot finacial issues Im affraid shes gonna loose here home, my 18 year old son is pulling major things taking off with my moms car not going to work or his class. He has been suspened from work for 3 days now and Im at my wits end to what to do? Im sorry just needed to vent for a little, nobody to talk to here is the only place to come too.
Sharon Q.
on 1/29/07 2:17 am - Fredericksburg, VA
Take a deep breath!!! Life has a way of SUCKING MAJOR huh??? Mine feels about as SUCKY right now, so I'm hearin ya!! You are only one have to take care of YOU first. Eat good foods, take your vitamins, go for a long walk. THEN you will have the patience and confidence it's gonna take to deal with the issues in your life. Is your 18yo out of high school?? When I turned 18 my folks expected me to move out. Tough love or smart move, I dunno, but when you have to support yourself you find a lot less time to get yourself in trouble. Just a thought. I will say a little prayer for you and your family...........that you have the inner strength to do what you must!!! XOOXOXOXO Sharon
on 1/29/07 2:27 am - Barboursville, VA
Thanks for your post it has been a mess. My son left w/ my moms car was to be at work and he didnt show up we knew he had a phone call from a friend well thats when we found out he had gotten 3 days off. My mom wont put him out is the problem cause he has no where else to go. Im just ready for the nuthouse lol . Tryin to keeo her healthy and this family together and this boy on the right track as led to be almost impossiable. Thanks for the prayers and prayers going your way as well. Hope you get things straight as well. Hugsss....
Anna Bryant
on 1/29/07 5:53 am - Roanoke, VA
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers hon!!! Anna
on 1/29/07 6:39 am - Rockingham County, VA
Hi Melinda, I am sorry things are so hetic right now. If there is anything that I can do, just let me know. You need "YOU" time. Relaxation, for your mind and body. I know that is much easier said than done. Do something simple like, turn on your favorite music, put some bubbles in the old bath, fill 'er up and relax. Call me, maybe we can do lunch. I can cross the big blue ridge and meet you somewhere. In the mean time, I will keep you and your family in my prayers...... God bless!! Cathy
on 1/29/07 9:08 am - Barboursville, VA
Thanks Cathy I will have to do that one day you will have to let me know your schedule I can come your way for lunch too. Thanks for offering help, but at this point unless you have a money tree in the back yard and someone to help me get my mothers house refinaced I just dont know what Im gonna do, Im really worried dhe might loose it and theres not alot I can do. Thanks for the post.
Ms Court
on 1/29/07 6:42 am - Remington, VA
Vent away Melinda. That is what we are here for. Our health definitely affects our weight loss. Getting enough rest, exercise, eating right, it all affects how we lose. Remeber that stalls are our bodies way of catching up. Check your inches though. I always find that when I stall out, my body does a shift inch wise. It sucks to hear you are going through a rough time. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and in my prayers. Courtney
on 1/29/07 9:10 am - hopewell, VA
hay girlie, you can call and vent to me anytime you like. i know kids can be pains sometime. hang in there. i will keep you and your family in my prayers. as far as the weight it could be all the stress you are going through. take a deep breath and just relax. you willget through this. hugs, holly
(deactivated member)
on 1/29/07 9:39 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Melinda I am so sorry that you are having issues. I have no real words of wisdom except to say that you can't allow outside factors to sabotage your weight loss effort or you will feel even more miserable. If your Mom has financial issues then that is up to her to fix it and if your son can't hold down his job - then that is his issue too. You can try and help but you are not responsible for them so maybe you need to take more of a back seat and let them try to sort out their own issues. There is not a lot you can do to fix the situation so try to do what you can do but try not to fret over it too. I know this is easy to say and hard to do - but please don't let yourself get too low and affect your health - you have come so far - please don't let yourself slip back!! Jackie
on 1/29/07 12:08 pm - Manassas, VA
Wow, I know it's tough to raise a son, I have one slightly older than your son. Mine has been a privileged only child and sometimes he makes some really bad choices. However, his choices are never a good reason for me to overeat. (That's not to say that I do not overeat, otherwise I wouldn't be in this condition but it is never a good reason too to so). I wish you lots of luck and my thoughts are with you because I have been where you are treading. A hard lesson I learned is that we train people to treat us badly. I trained my son to treat me badly. I took a chance and trained him out of it. My son got out of hand for about a year and a half starting at 17. I had enough and advised him the day he turned 18 that there is no law that requires I give him anything, shelter, food, college or anything else. It's what I choose to do because I love him, and when I feel my support makes a difference. Told him he is man so get a job and act like a man. Ok, so he told me to shove it. I showed him the door. I cried like a baby when I did it. two weeks later, hungry, out of gas and dirty, tired of the party life and dead broke, he got a clue and I got a call. Worst 2 weeks of my life waiting for that call. He begged to come home. He came home, rules were set forth in writing. He agreed. He screwed up about three weeks later. I kicked him out again. He lasted another week. Next time he came back he had a better clue. She who has the check book makes the darn rules. He's been pretty good for the last 8 months. However, he knows I'll kick his rear out if he doesn't act like a man and treat me and my home with the respect his parents are entitled to receive. It's not an idle threat, and he knows it. I took a hell of a risk, because he could have left and never came back. You have to know your kid. I knew he would get tired of the hard side of life. Once he tasted that reality, a couple of times, he got it and decided living with mom wasn't so bad after all. Three squares, home, clothes, car, gas, college, all for the price of helping around the house, coming in at a decent hour, letting me know where he is going to be and passing all the college courses I pay for. He still tries to get mouthy but well...he knows where the line is and has learned not to cross it. I hope one day your son will see you as the valuable person you are and come to appreciate you. It's a journey and many times that road is full of pot holes!
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