Hi everyone long time no see. lol..Well I wanted to give ya'll a update on me. Feb 11 will be 2 months that I had my surgury an am already down 30 lbs. My girl friend who had it over a year ago told me am lossing it to slow..is this right?? I think am doing good. Unforguly am one of the one's who can eat ANYTHING an don't get sick. My doc told me there are some people who had this surgury an can get ANYTHING an don't get sick. don't get me wrong I can only eat alittle bit of it. Like I went to out back stake house friday nite an order a child stake took 3 bits an I was full. But I didn't get sick off the stake where my frined told me it took her over 1 yr to be able to eat stake. Well am going to start going to the support meeting an ask around..sometime I think my doc did the surgury just to see what was in side of me lol...take care Maria
Hi, Maria. Glad to see you are doing well. You can't really compare numbers with this surgery because everyone is so different. It all depends on where you started, your metabolism, how much you exercise, eat, etc... we're all different. I just try to stay educated and believe that I'm just where I'm supposed to be. I'm also going to make an appointment with my nutritionist, because I'm feeling like I'm falling behind myself. Once I'm able to pinpoint what I'm doing wrong, if anything, I might be able to fix it. I am happy with myself though, its just the little discouraged phases I go through.
I would be cautious about your meat intake right now. Your body doesn't process the same way and I wouldn't get too far too fast. That's just my opinion. The more moist it is, the better. I'm six months out and I order off the kids menu and I can still only eat a few bites of meat. I love the green beans though! Hit up some support meetings girl, they help tremendously!
Yup, you really have to remember that we are all different people who have different responses to surgery and food. I am a lot like you are..........I can eat just about anything and not get sick. That does NOT include sugar however. I think my body isn't quite so hateful when I do consume it, but I definitely have my limits. I eat steak all the time, all meats are fine for me and I've never had a problem as long as I don't overeat. I am over 2 years out and have not puked even 1 time!! Weight loss wise I think you are right on target. If you go to your surgery month site you can more closely compare weight losses and even foods that work for them and you. I found when I went there and compared I was almost always right in the same range as they were and it made me feel better. Your girlfriend has no idea if you are going too slow or fast..........unless she's a doctor.
Don't let negative people get ya down..........you are doing just great!!! Keep on keepin on!!! XOXOOXOXOX

Maria congrats on your success so far. You are six weeks out and you have lost 30 lbs already. That is 5 lbs a week. Outstanding!!!! I always felt like I was a slow loser. Even compared to my surgery month board I was a little bit behind everyone but here I am now almost 14 months out and I am 2 lbs away from goal. Don't worry about not getting sick from anything. I don't get sick from much either. The only meat that bothers me is dark meat poultry. Onions sometimes bother me, ice cream, and rice but those are about the only things that get me. Just be careful since you are still pretty early out and your body is still healing. You don't want to pu**** too quickly. Support groups definitely help out a lot, not only with the eating issues but other emotional issues that you might not expect to occur. Best to you as you continue your journey.