getting closer!!!
Well I went to Harbourview yesterday and got all my testing done(ekg,lab,x-ray) and I recieved a letter in the mail today saying I have my last dr appointment 2-12-07 for my surgery clearance!!!!!!!! I cant believe this is all happening! I saw the nutritionist also and im so confused about everything. I feel like Im working at a drive through all by myself expexting to know how to make everything.LOL I have to read everthing...cant have more than 300 calories from supplements...but protein shakes are counted towards fluids....AHHHHH!!!!! im so confused. And im so afraid that I wont like the protein drinks(im a big baby) but Im so nervous already. My surgery isint scheduled until feb 27th. Im so scared that im going to be that 1 person who has a terrible time...and I should really get out of that...i know I dont need all these negatie thoughts...but what do I need at the hospital...oh and how long did most of yall stay...roughly? I dont want like a big long list...i saw someone with like a 3 page list that was CRAZY!!! i just want some basics...thanks guys and talk to you soon!
Jorden .. first .. take a DEEP BREATH .. this is not rocket science .. and trust me sweety .. you will get there and get through it .
Ok what to take to the hospital .. TAKE YOU .. , YOUR MEDS .. AND YOUR PERSONAL ITEMS ..
To me there is really no time or no need to take your own PJ's as you stay in your gown the entire time .. Books .. Not going to feel like reading ..
Keep it simple .. and real .. and you wil be fine ..
Most hospital stays depending on the surgery type are anywhere from 3 to 5 days .
I have RNY information that I can share . Just email me and I can send it to you . Include your email address . This may answer some of the questions that you have here .
Big hugs and we are here for you ,
Hey Jorden
My advice to you would be CHILL. I know that's hard to do when you are going through it but everything will be fine. Being nervous is natural but don't stress over the small stuff. It will all come together for you and you will do fine. Just remember that a baby doesn't come out of the womb walking. It's a daily process and so is this new lifestyle you are about to embark upon. Think of this as a new beginning. You messed up big time the first go round and now you are given a brand new chance to start over again and not abuse you new tummy. As a will start off with liquids....gradually (with the advice of your doctor) you will move to mushy foods and little by little you will get to eat whatever you want (that doesn't make you sick) in small amounts at a time. The key to this surgery is learning to eat all over again. It will never be the same again. Will you grieve your old friend "FOOD"? YES!!! But in time you will learn to do what it takes to make this surgery work. It's a wonderful blessing for me. I had my surgery July 3, 2006 and I am down 109lbs!!! Gone Forever!!! What a feeling it is.
Now about the vitamins.......just follow your doctor's orders, make sure you stay in contact with someone at the office who knows their stuff. As for what you need to take to the hospital, I thought I would need a whole lot of things. I stayed in the hospital gown until the day I came I didn't need any clothes except what you plan to wear home. The one thing I did use was my chap stick and my own pillow from my bed at home. Your own pillow gives you a little bit of your own bed there with you and you can use it on the ride home to brace against your tummy. Your lips will become very dry due to the meds and the fact that you can't drink as much after surgery and the chap stick relieves the uncomfortable feeling. The meds will keep you pretty droggy too so don't think you'll be up to too much activity. But that depends on the type of surgery you're having and of course whether you have complications or not.
I breezed through my surgery and at age 51, I don't think I did half bad. I had open gastric bypass...RNY and the only complication I had at all was some swelling in my esphogus which kept me from getting fluids down and thus I couldn't pass the leak test. I had to stay an extra day for that reason. Since then I've done fantastic and I'm sure you will too.
Please feel free to contact me anytime you need to talk or just need to vent. All your frustration are very normal so stop stressing every little thing and get ready for the ride of a lifetime.
You are in my thoughts and prayers as you embark on your new life as a thin person. Life really is good and it only gets better!!!
Lots of Love

Relax!! I know what you are feeling. I visited Harborview yesterday for my stuff. and Overwhelmed is the feeling that comes to mind. I thought I was a head of the game because I have sent away for samples of MANY proteins and I find that the Nectar flavors by Syntrax is the best. I actually even lick the cup when I am done. (I can't believe I just said that). I have also already started on the Flinstones Vitamins Complete. My big thing is that the calcium that I LOVE, I have been told I shouldn't take because of the calorie content. My date it March 6th. Let me know if you want a visitor in the Hospital, I come see ya. This is all going to work out fine.