Remember me?????
Hi Betsy,
Thanks! I know a lot of people have had to wait a whole lot longer than I did. So I am very greatful that it did not take nay longer than it did. I am also glad to hear so many people say that it is worth the wait. You look and sound as if you are doing great. I checked out your 4 wheeler pictures - looks like you had a blast! Take care of yourself and thanks again!
You certainly have worked hard for this approval and it is SO deserved. I am very happy for you. Your preop profile gives much hope and encouragement to those that are in the same "insurance boat" as you were. That is what this site & board is all about. Yours is going to be a great WLS succes story. This is just the beginning of a wonderous journey. Hang on, girl! It's a wild ride! I look forward to reading your future posts. Angel on your shoulder

Hi Cindy!
Thanks so very much! Your journey has had quite a few twists and turns. I am glad to hear that you still think of it as wonderful with everything that you went through with the ulcer after your tummy tuck. I am so sorry that you had to endure all of that and happy that you came through it all so well! I can't wait to begin the "wild ride". It is so exciting to read all of the success stories on here and to imagine that some day soon I will be one of them! Thanks for your support and words of encouragement! Take Care of yourself!
Thank you, Carei! I hope your approval process goes smoother than mine did. You can read all about it in my profile. It was so frustrating and upsetting, but now I am ecstatic! Even if your process is rocky like mine - don't give in. If you persevere, you will succeed. Isn't Lola wonderful? She was terrific through all of this. Keep in mind though that she is only one person with hundreds of patients to handle. So if you do have problems, take charge and call your insurance company everyday if you need to. It will definitely speed things along. This is your procedure, and you can make it happen no matter what! I wish you all the luck in the world, and if you need to talk or anything, please email me. Thanks again!
How could we forget you. I was so upset when you got denied because you wanted it so bad and deserved it. I'm so happy you didn't give in, I knew you could make it happen. Sometimes it just takes longer than others. YAY! Just go back and re-read posts and check out profiles, all the info is there. Of course you know I'm here for you and I'm local so feel free to use me any way you can. Do you have my number? If not, shoot me an email and I'll send it to you.
Can't wait to find out your date,
OMG!!!!!!! Amber - you look totally amazing!!!!!! I cannot believe how far you have come in such a short time. I can't even put into words how happy I am for you!!! Your preop pictures were so beautiful and look at you now - hot mama! WOW!!!! Thanks for your support - I am so sorrry that I never have gotten the chance to meet you - I am really looking forward to the day when I finally get to! Keep up the awesome work! I'll let you know when I get my date!
Huge Hugs,