Repost/Update: NoVA Get-Together this Saturday!
Hi all-
Donna Mae and I are planning to get together on Saturday, January 27th at 6:30pm. We'll be going to On The Border in Reston and wanted to invite anyone who would like to join us. In order to warn the restaurant we're coming please respond to this thread and I will keep track of everyone wanting to join us and either make a reservation or at least warn them we're coming if they don't take reservations!
I know some of you will have just attended the Richmond event, so we'll want to hear all about it! Spread the word!
Here are the quick and dirty details:
Time: Saturday, January 27 at 6:30pm
Who: Anyone who wants to join us!
Location: Reston-On The Border
11880 Spectrum CE.
Reston, VA 22090-3327
Here's who I have so far, if I've missed you or you're just now deciding to join us, please let me know!
Donna and Greg
Jackie and Bill
Monica and her husband
Cathy and John
Kym and Rob
Julie and Pete
Dianna (yes?)
Maybes (Please confirm either way soon!):
Natalie and Alan
Lauren (Donna and mentioned her in the thread)

Christina S