5 days post op....
The Lap Band does not put out the hunger fire as RNY does . The one reason I elected to have RNY . I needed that control and it has worked . I would highly suggest contacting your dietitian or your surgeon for more assistance . You may want to enroll in a behavior modification class . This is a must with most RNY patients .. so you can learn to get rid of the head hunger .
Best of luck to you ,
I still have problems with head hunger. Some people it is just there no matter what surgery they have. It is just our bad habits coming out. Since my surgery I will think I am hungry and then when I fix something I am like " I don't want this" so I give it to my husband or to the dogs. The dogs love when I decide I don't want something!!! I am with Tinkerbell. A class on eating might help you but like I was told, if you think you are hungery find something to do to keep you busy and your mind off eating. Sometimes that will help pretty good.
Best wishes,
Lisa S.