Scales not moving!!!!
For almost a month now the scales has not been moving like they were. I have been going between 210 and 209. That is not the type of moving I like!!! I am getting very aggervate. I have gone back to work and I try to eat something like yogart or cottage cheese on my breaks. Sometimes I go get one of the frozen entrees like from Health Choice, Weigh****chers or South Beach Diet meals. I know that these are all processed foods but shouldn't they help me lose weight? I try to pick stuff that has alot of protein in it since I know how important that is, and I try to watch my fat intake as well. What about Carbs??? Does anyone know what is the amount one should eat for a meal? I watch the sugar intake also because I know I will not feel well after I eat much sugar. I do get on the treadmill a few times a week and I try to walk as much as possible at work since it is Wal-Mart. I have had people tell me not to look at the scales but I am always wondering how much I weigh because it is such a good feeling for me to see the scales to move just 1 lb. I do feel smaller and my clothes are getting bigger. Could I be only losing in inches? I know that it is more important to lose inches than pounds but I like to see the scales move a little bit more at least! I need some advice here....what am I doing wrong?
At 3 to 4 months out , my calorie intake was only 500 , my carbs where 20 and my fat no more than 3 % with each meal . I exercised every day .. something , whether it was walking - swimming or going to the gym .
Carbs are the killer in weight loss in my opinion . Good Carbs we can do .. things like fruits - veggies .. but stay away from the what I call white carbs , Bread , Pasta and Sugar .. these will stall you .. and are not forgiving .. especially if you are diabetic .
If you eat all your protein first , then your veggie .. you may not have room for that carb , look to see what order you are eating them in .
Also, try to keep the protein coming in , the key to succesful weight loss is ..
You can not go wrong with that equation .
As far as the scales go .. I have weighed everyday no matter what . I need to know where I am and hold myself accountable for any gain or loss .. Thank God none of that has happend and I am maintaining .
Go to start logging in your foods . You can keep track of what you have eaten for the day .. this may help as well .
You may be just going through a stall , where your body is wondering . what the heck you are doing .
Best wishes to you .. and keep posting your success !
Natalie gave you all the right advice. But I will add one thing. Frozen meals are so chock full of sodium that when I eat one I end up gaining weight. Just because something says it's low calorie and diet doesn't necessarily mean it's good for you. When I was about 6 months out I started eating lean cuisines, that's when I had my first plateau. When I stopped eating frozen dinners and watching my white carbs, it broke and my weightloss stayed steady again. this is why I stay clear of processed foods.
Sodium is my enemy. I can gain 5 pounds overnight from eating too much salt. It's probally why I have switched to an organic diet. Hey, it got me past goal, so there is obviously some connection. I also stay away from hormone laden meats and dairy. With mom's cancer, I've made a change in how we eat in my house. Trader Joe's has become my favorite place to shop now.
BTW, thanks for the myspace invite. I try to keep my personal page seperate from my weightloss pages. I really need to update. It's been a while since I've done that.