Squeeky Pants
Alright, I've been trying to keep my mind of my budyy who's in the hospital (no change so far). So I went to the thrift store to look for 70's accessories and found the most insane vinyl Red Pants. Wow, is all my mom would say. Hey, I wouldn't wear them in public, but I will this weekend if I can find an appropriate blouse to go with it. One problem. When I wear them, I squeek. I mean really loudly squeek, like fingernails on chlkboard kinda annoyingly squeek. any recommendations? Baby oil? Wax? Vaseline? I mean I wouldn't be caught dead in a public place with them on but hey, for my friend, I'll embarrass myself.
LOL - havent a clue what to recommend but the visual, or should I say, audio, had me laughing.
I decided to ditch my black stirrup "wet paint" pants.... gonna go with a mini-skirt and sparkly fishnet stockings instead. Never in a million years woulda worn a mini in the 70's, I was just too large - but now? I'z GONNA!!! Even if my knees/thighs look bad - theyve surely looked worst!
See you on Friday!

You wear that mini-skirt Girl!! I'd wear one too, but unless I can find some high thigh boots to wear with them, it ain't happing. My cottage cheese thighs would scare anyone, including WLS people.
I may nix the pants, but I'll bring them to show you. I might still wea rthem with my "Disco sucks" shirt. I'm glad I could give you a laugh. I was laughing too.
You are too funny! First thing i thought of was a tight wad. Ya know they sqeek when they walk lol. Wish i could find something more 70's but what I have will have to do. Ordered a dress off ebay for .99 and hope it gets here in time. No funds to keep shopping so what i have will have to do. Been looking for my old peace jewelry from high school. Hope I find it in time. LOL