OK friends...
I have had several calls now from people who have gotten wind that some people have been planning to "crash" this weekend's festivities.
For one, I hope these are just rumors and not a reality, as it would be a personal slap in the face to me and to Natalie after months of hard work and planning...PLUS, it won't be tolerated on any level.
The hospitality suite is going to have a sign posted proclaiming that it is a "Private Party" and admittance is ONLY for registered conference guests, and the hotel security staff will be apprised of the same.
So...if there are still people who wish to attend the events - you MUST register TODAY!!!

Geeeeeez - I havent had a chance to post on this board for awhile and the first post I read when I do, is this?
How PATHETIC, TACKY and CHEAP can people really be? Shame shame shame on them. Crashing yours and Natalie's hard work is a definite slap in your face and you know what? It's a SLAP in mine too, since I and many others, forked over the bucks and PAID to attend.
You need help escorting the tight-wads to the door, feel free to speak up. Just reading of the 'possible intent' has gotten my adrenaline racing - I suspect I can hold my own and would be happy to escort them the h*ll out.
I'm just nice like da't
Can't wait to see ALL of you on Friday - Wendy and I hope to get in around noon-ish!

ABSOLUTELY call my cell - I'm going to send you an email with my NEW cell number in it. Wanted to let you know to LOOK for it, okay? Also, I think Patty already has it updated on hers.
My purse was stolen on New Years Day, with it went my old phone - so I ditched my old service, got Paul and I new phones with new numbers!
Anyway - I'm going to send that email to your AOL address, that's the one that came up on the Virginia Message Board response, from OH!
See you SOON! ....hugs, Lei

What in the world. This is something I so look forward too and would hate to see that happen. No need for childishness. I save and sacrifice to come and want to have the best time I can have. Many here are going thru alot and need this educational and fun break from the turmoil in their lives. Thanks for all your and Natalies hard work. What a ridiculous idea. That is not only offensive to you guys but the rest of us that are attending.