Tattooist in Fredericksburg help needed
Jackie! You didn't tell me!!! How exciting. Look at you -- tattoos, where is it going to end!! You are a wild redheaded woman!! The most bold I have ever been was to have three piercings in my ears!! Whoa, now I thought that was the cats meow!! Or I should say I was the cat's meow.
I don't want a tattoo, I just want my neck to behave itself and get back up to where it should be, and the wrinkles in my face to stop it!! That's all. Not much.

Ha - well they're there, that's for sure. You just weren't looking good enough. Hey, see if I used 'your term' right in the AchieveOne post that I did!! I love that little nay nay nay!! Was that it? Now it sounds wrong. Hmm, what was it Wendy, help me out.
How are you? I hope your life is calm, or at least as calm as it can be with a busy family. I always love seeing you post, Wendy. Take care of yourself and have fun this weekend!! I know you will. Can't wait to see the pictures. That's one thing I love about Lei, she always takes a bunch of pictures and they are always so good!
Love you Wendy!

Hahaha.. Donna Mae you crack me up! I just checked for the Achieve One post (sorry, i dont use it, never tried it, haven't a clue who sells it, but I'll be on the look out now!) and YES, you used the phrase perfectly LOL! I have to give props where they are due tho.. and confess... I totally stole that phrase from Lei. Heard her say it once or MAYBE twice, and it was mine.. I OWN it now LOL
Gmiss you this weekend Donna! My life is ALWAYS hectic, so I'm really looking forward to the escape this weekend. Sunday will come too soon, and its back to reality!
Love ya
lol! You are too funny Donna - I have always facied a small rose tattoo on my shoulder - now I have just chanhed my mind and want a cute fairy on my ankle - just a small one though.... not having any luck finding the design I like though - maybe I am looking in the wrong places....
Now I am not bold - I am scared stiff of the pain because I have heard they are sore there..... and I am such a coward...
Oh stop - you are one of the most beautiful women I know Donna Mae!!!! I could only hope to look as pretty when I am your age!! I doubt that will happen!
Love ya