Question....2 months out
I have a question for everyone. I have been having horrible mood swings lately and it seems that while before the surgery I had a very long fuse on my temper I don't have that fuse anymore it has been replaced by a very short one. I know that there is a lot going on with our bodies right now and our hormones are up and down, but has anyone else had this problem? If so what have you done to help? I don't really get to have any time to myself because in addition to being in college, I am also a Navy wife and a mother of two little girls ages 5 and 3. It just seems that even the smallest things seem to set me off lately and I don't know what to do about it. Does anyone have any advice?
Oh Yeah! I can relate. B*tchfest was my life for awhile. I ended up on anti-depressants for awhile which help a lot with the moodiness. The tiniest things set me off. I also discover that when I'm in ketosis that I get that way too. Those hormones wreak havoc with my body and my temper. I started meditating too and I'll tell you it really helps me stay relaxed and calm. I had to learn to just "let stuff go". Get some happy pills (I take Cymbalta). they really help.
Ahhhh....the good ole' horomones wreaking havoc with the body. I wrote about this in my blog sometime in August or September. I can tell you it gets better...hang in there and explain it to your hubby so he can at least know there is a reason for the temporaray insanity.
Hang in there and take care of yourself.
Christina S

Hello Raven ~~ Your body has been going through so much change the past 2 months. I agree with the other replies to your post that hormones probably has alot to do with your mood swings.
I also went through the same thing--and still continue to have these emotional ups and downs from time to time even at 3 yrs postop. In my case--I am DEFFINITELY a compulsive overeater, foodaholic..whatever you want to call it ---in spite of the fact I have had WLS and have lost 2/3 of my old body I still sometimes CRAVE many of those old foods that caused me to baloon up to a whopping 467 lbs. I know it took a while forme to fully grieve the loss of the "use" of food. I have come to the realization that many of my emotional outbursts come when I am craving something I know I have no business eating. My "lashing out" stems from the fact that for YEARS I used food to cope with stressful situations----and now I choose NOT to deal with life issues in that way so. I am getting better at realizing the frustration is turning into anger and sometimes act more appropriately----then there are the times when the FOOD MONSTER just takes over and wreaks havoc with my emotions. In those cases I try to quickly make ammends if need be.
It's all a part of my life journey------good and bad. But, HEY! at least I recognize what is going on and WHY it is happening--that's progress! I know I will never be perfect---so I will happily settle for healthier and progressing.
Good luck on your journey~~~thanks for your post~~~~it's always good for me to reflect on the things I need to work on.
Angel on your shoulder