2 more lbs gone woohooo below pre surgery goal
Well I weighed myself this morning and low and behold I was 248 woooooohooooo I finally went below 250, started the process at 270. I am so excited. I also turned in my leave request today. I have an awesome boss and she put it on my desk while I was away from it. When I got back she had put a sticky say dissaproved! Omgosh my heart dropped then I realized it was a joke....haha she got me. She said it would have been better had she already left. I replied oh yeah then I would be calling you all weekend....lol. I had already got the okay before I filled out the form. I am taking 3 1/2 weeks off and 2 weeks of part time. I am so thrilled I can't stand myself...
6 more workdays. hehe. I am also getting a pair of baby surgar gliders Feb 1 and can't wait. Don't know what they are? Google them, sooo precious. I am all set up for them just have to make some modifications to their cage which is huge. Make them some hanging toys and by the time they come I will be filling like my old self again. Did I mention I am excited
sorry can't help it. Oh and I am feeling much better from my sinus infection. Good to go.

Really good job on the weight loss. Thats a terrific start. I wanted to lose as much as I could before surgery so the rapid weight loss would start from the lowest possible weight. I Was at 393 on first surgeons visti (down from 408 heaviest), 388 last visit before surgery date, and 374 on day of surgery after the liver reducing diet 14 days before surgery. SO yo are really rolling!!!
Excited is a good way to be. I got excited reading about your excitment. Hold on to that. Its going to be a great ride but there will be some bumps and the excitement si good to remember because those WOW moments and experiences are coming.
You are going to do GREAT!! I'll be cheering for you from the sidelines.
Thanks Joe!! Really appreciate it. We all need all the support we can get!! Wow you lost a lot before your surgery. That is so awesome. What keeps me going with the whole diet thing is know that there is an end in sight and my "tool" will help me to keep going.
I know I am just so excited. Every day brings me closer and I get even more excited. I am not the least bit scared or nervous. I know I will be in good hands.

Hey Joe! Just wanted to comment. I looked at your profile, you're doing AWESOME btw... anyway, one of your pics really hit a note with me.. WJGkids.. made me do a double take LOL.. those are my initials! And of course I've been trying to find 70's garb to wear for the Richmond event next week.. so it was actually a double ha-ha!
Anyway, great progress, keep it up!