So frustrated
on 1/12/07 12:21 am - VA
on 1/12/07 12:21 am - VA
The company I work for is selling out to another company. I have been paying my insurance premiums of over $200.00 for just me. I called Anthem today to get specific info on the process of having the WLS covered. I was informed the company dropped all riders effective Jan. 1st (in preparation for the sale). So now I have been doing everything like I was suppose to and can't get it covered now.
We can not ask for information form the new company until the sale is final and all changeover is done in March. So I can keep paying the 200 amonth and hope the new company has the rider. But I am really upset about this. Most companies don't carry the rider because it is costly for group coverage. Plus I am the only employee who is interested in the surgery.
Why don't insurance allow individual riders thru employer's insurance? that way the cost is only factored into one persons premiums. If the new compnay doesn't have a rider do I have any hope of getting the surgery paid for? I don't think I do but wanted to ask in case someone knows somethng different. And why do they have exclusions if a company much purchase the rider?
So if anyone knows of any employers in the Hampton Road area that have this rider let me know. I will do just about any job for any pay to get this coverage.
You sound like me.....I took my current job driving a school bus because I knew they would pay for surgery (county job).....within the year, after the 6mo supervised diet, I had my surgery.
My sister went a different route because her company wouldnt pay, and self paid. So, there are options out there for you....I wish you the best of luck in your search....

Boy that is really wide open. I work for Computer Science Sorp (CSC) a defense contractor and they currently carry Aetna that covered my open RNY. But coverage amongst defense contractor (which I am sure are in your area) vary from pitiful to excellent depending on the contractor and how well they pay. They also tend to change carriers every 3 to 5 year to get beeter cost and premiums. Being on the local school board in my area, I can say most school sysytems in VA carry pretty good insurance and would probably cover WLS but having time off might be a problem.
I would think some retails klike grocry store (larger chains) might provide such coverage also (i.e. Kroger, Food Lion, etc.). Just a gguess.
Good luck. You definitly caught a lousey break. I went through a similiar period where my employer provided coverage then when I decided to do the surgery, they changed and didn't, then in 2 years they changed and provided particial coverage, I gave up and in 2 years they changed and covered it again. I had the surgery when my heart started acting up and, thank God, the insurance still covered it. I feel your pain.