Cheryl is RE-Admitted!
I spoke to Cheryl earlier today and she was having pain in her abdomen again (still??) Apparently it had started to ease during the week. When she went for her follow up visit with the surgeon who took out her appendix (Wednesday), he said that her spleen was enlarged but for her not to worry about it. We were talking about that today and I told her that that seemed ridiculous! Anyway, she text messaged me a few hours ago to let me know that she was on her way to the Norfolk General ER. She just called me (2:30am) to let me know that they are admitting her. They did some tests and found that she has 2 abscesses (sp?) resulting from the appendix surgery and that they would be opening her up TONIGHT from top to bottom in order to clean her out! They told her that another CT Scan should have been done before she was released from Chesapeake General. They were calling the surgeon who did the appendix even though she told them that she doesn't want him touching her any more! I told her that her mom needs to call a lawyer NOW as this is completely ridiculous! All that went on and all those blood transfusions with no diagnosis and no intent on behalf of the doctor to at least do a few more studies to try to determine what made all of that happen last week! Anyway, please send some prayers her way...she is really upset (of course) and worried...
Christine, I'm so glad that she has gone to another hospital and if finally having someone help her. If she is really interested in speaking with a lawyer, I Know one in Va Beach that is going to start handling my malpractice case and they have a tremendous amount of success with medical negligence which is what i feel Cheryl's case falls under. Please lt her know that I'll be praying for her and hope that she can get through this.
Oh my goodness - poor Cheryl. They should get theor asses sued for what they have done to her. I can only imagine how scared she has been with all of this. At last they are going to fix her though and that has to be a relief.... and if they were opening her up that night and not waiting until the morning then they declared it an emergency...... she does need to consult an attorney that is for sure.....
She needs to get a hold of her medical records before they start doctoring them.......
I hope she is feeling better today...
WOW.. I knew something like this was gonna happen. I cannot believe they did do exploratory surgery on her, order a CT or nothing. That surgeon was completely incompetent. I hope she stuck to her guns, and refused him to touch her. Tell her to fire him, he works for her!
I'm also glad she switched to Norfolk General, that makes me feel a LOT better.
If she needs anything, lemme know
Much love,
OMG, Christine, I totally agree with you, Hon...this is ridiculous and I am so glad she went to another hospital. She is right not to want that surgeon to touch her again..2 abcesses???? She must have really been feeling bad. My heart goes out to her. Please let her know that she is in my thoughts and prayers and thank you for keeping us up dated on her trials....Love you both...Betsy
Thanks for the update on Cheryl. I have been thinking of her. I had some of the same symptoms in August when I was newly postop TT and it was a life threatening situation. I am not going to go into all the details in the message board---( it's all in my most recent profile update)---I hope and pray that her situation won't turn out to be similar to mine. I also pray that the docs are able to diagnose her problem SOON and do whatever is needed to get her on a road to recovery. Please continue to keep us updated. Angel on your shoulder