We are in print!!
Okay folks...here it is... my first official photo shoot and publication in Beyond Medicine. It hit door steps, doctor's offices and hospitals in the Northern Virginia area on Tuesday. This link isn't the full article...just a condensed version. The published magazine also has a before picture. The day of the photo shoot was the day before my shoulder surgery...and it was sooooo cold that day! The picture was taken up on Skyline Drive
I am going to try and put this link on my profile too.
Have a great day!

Hi Jill.
I saw it yesterday in the mail. I saved it for you. If you would like another copy. Are you and Jon coming to Richmond? If so, I will bring it then. Or e-mail me your address
(i have it somewhere around here but can't find it) I will mail it to you.
You know as soon as it warms up we really need to go ride'n together.
Hugs, Susan
Thanks Susan...I will send you an e-mail. We can't come to Richmond...just too much going on...and with Jon and I both off for over a month...$$ is a little tight.
Yes - we definitely need to find time to get togheter and ride. Jon and some friends are probably passing through your way right now. They went to Red Hot and Blue after church for some ride... My goal is April - to ride again!

Thanks, Kathy
I am really pretty bummed about the knee...I really thought all of that was behind me now and we could move onto the plastics....oh well... Who is Rich's dr? Dr. Keith Lawhorn at Inova is awesome! I really like him. He did my shoulder also. Is Rich going to have surgery to do the repair work?
Give him a hug for me!