Surpassing My Goals
Jane - of all people YOU deserve to toot your own horn. You are an incredible inspiration to us all!! What a huge weight loss - you have lost more than I currently weigh - that is phenomenal!!! After your next PS you will probably just disappear and fade away lol!!!
I am full of admiration that you have been able to pick up the pieces and concentrate on your son and your weight loss AND still give advice and help to others. It is true what they said here- you are indeed beautiful inside and out!!
I am looking forward to seeing you again next weekend!
HI Jane ~~
You are such a wonderful inspiration and success story.
I know it's a terrible thing to watch your weight balloon up due to something that is not in your control. When I was in the hospital in Aug / Sept I was given 6 bags of platelets before and during my surgery----it caused a 90 lb weight gain from fluid! I was MORTIFIED and cried and cried. I was told by my doctors that it would come off in 3-4 weeks and I was blessed in that it did. I am now trying to break the 150 mark also and at the same time having a driving urges to eat more than I should. By posting on this message board I got several great ideas for snack (my downfall) and am now moving forward to my goal feeling confident that I CAN DO this.
I come to the Va. Board when I feel my confidence dwindling, have a food question and also for great ideas that are shared on the Board. It is a great help to see that others out there are also struggling with the same issues that I am and have been victorious. What a gift you and all the others give to us all---the gift of HOPE and confidence that we will also make it past the challenges in this journey.
Angel on your shoulder

Cindy, to me you are inspiring. You've come a long way and have faced some serious challenges. WE all know that we will probally still struggle with food issues for the rest of our lives. I'ma food addict and probally always will be, I've just learned to control that addiction. I've probally replaced it with underwear shopping! (lol).
You are very much a victor in the fight against obesity and I look up to you and all you have accomplished.
Big Hugs,