Surpassing My Goals
Ok, I'm tooting my own horn here. You all know that after all the crappy stuff that went through last year and being put on Paxil, I gained back up to about 165 pounds from my low of 151. Well, this week I've consistantly weighed between 147-149. I've finally broke my 150 curse, as I call it. After discussing my new numbers with mom, she told me that I haven't weighed 147 pounds since I was in 4th grade. Yeah, 4th grade people!
My mediums are now pretty much getting too big. I still grab mediums first, but yesterday everything I bought on clearance had a "S" tag. Un-freakin' believable! Now I'm wondering what I'm gonna weigh after losing my caboose next month. I truly am stunned at how far I've come. I've worked very hard to get back on track. My Sweet Natalie is actually the person (unbeknowst to her) that really helped me get back on track with her "protein" posts. She's right, protein has made a huge difference in my appetite, my weightloss and my quick plastics recovery. I'm still occassionally eating baked lays (my treat) , but for the most part I'm sticking to protein and veggies and lots of water!
So I've lost 171 pounds. My highest weight was in 2001 when I weighed in at 328. I was a unbelievable mess at the time. Miserable doesn't even begin to describe my life. I did manage to get to 301 on the day of surgery by cutting out soda and bread and sugar. So, I've lost the equivalent of a Overweight Person (If they were my height). I'm now thinking 145-140 as my new goal. But let's see what plastics can do first!
Thank you to my firends here that have supported me through the tough times. They are still tough, but manageable for now. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have made it this far!
Way to go, toot away, you earned it. And tooting here is at least to people that can appreciate your situation and success,..lets call that VICTORY!
Great job and thanks for sharing your experience with us other stalled losers.
Liquids, protein and veggies to lose, and lose the breads, sugars and soda. Got it.
Exercise? What's that? I have to be honest all I do is walk very fast now. I'm becoming a little speed demon. I was given the OK to exercise again but then in another month I'll have to stop again for 6 weeks more. Ugh,I just joined the YMCA too. So with the torn ligaments in my knee and plastics putting stuff on hold, it's not a priority. I mostly walk the dogs and do housework. Dylan and I like to dance too. He saw breakdancers on TV the other day and that's his new thing.
Jane, You're an inspiration to all of us pre-ops! Thanks for sharing.
p.s. I glanced at your profile......and had to laugh as my teen daughter is at this momen****ching Season 2 of Lost for the umpteenth time. I swear she's trying to memorize the first 2 seasons before Season 3 starts up again in a few weeks.
I understand your teenager completely. I've got the last 6 episodes on the DVR and I'm re-watching them. I'm a Lost fanatic. Which is funny because I really don'****ch a lot of TV. I think I regularly watch like 3 shows and maybe CNN. that's it. But god, when you have a show with writing like that and with hunky men to boot, how can you no****ch!