uugh sinus infection.

Anna Bryant
on 1/10/07 7:08 pm - Roanoke, VA
Well I had a little cold and it started to go away and then yesterday I felt aweful again and then it hit me like a ton of bricks... what if it is a sinus infection. So I called Missy and she said sure enough if I have a sinus infection when I come in they will postpone. Yikes!!! So I dropped everything... literally. Told my boss see you in the morning gotta run to the urgent care. Missy said if I got on antibiotics now I should be fine. Yup sure enough sinus infection but yay I got it in time. So now on antibiotics. Please pray for me that I don't catch anything else going around. We have major intestinal virus going around. Please lord just 2 more weeks. Sigh okay done ranting... majorly stressed out. Omgosh you should of seen me at the urgent care with all those sick people I had to use their pen and I used the antibacterial stuff they have...twice. When the nurse looked at me I just told her " not taking any chances here". She just said I hear ya! Sigh okay so I wasn't done
(deactivated member)
on 1/10/07 9:58 pm - Fairfax Station, VA
Hi Anna, sorry honey, I feel for you!! Don't get stressed. I remember just before my surgery I kept thinking 'what if I fall' (I guess I'm clumsy!). I almost wanted to just stay in my house and wait. Take good care of yourself Anna, love donna
Anna Bryant
on 1/11/07 7:48 am - Roanoke, VA
I know just what your talking about. At work I'm convinced everyone thinks I am a crazy woman...lol. I hate it when people come to work sick and give it to everyone else and at the first sign of a cough I would go crazy. Like shouldn't you be at home, I have surgery in 2 weeks and your going to get me sick..... They all love me so they forgive me. I carry that antibacterial stuff around and my hands are almost raw. Hey not taking any chances here.... (((hugs))) Anna
Amber B.
on 1/10/07 11:45 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
I completely understand and this bug that is going around is definitely serious. My family got it and it sucks big time. Just stay inside, drink lots of Vitamin C, take your viamins and pray! I will be praying for you. Amber
Anna Bryant
on 1/11/07 7:50 am - Roanoke, VA
Thanks Amber. I forgot to say that the woman ahead of me aparantly had the last bit of the flu bug and I could hear the doctor in there....she must of been hard of hearing or just not listening. He didn't speak that loud to me but I did make sure he washed his hands (((hugs))) Anna
on 1/11/07 4:23 am
Bummer! I had the sinus infection from h*ll a few months ago. I know how bad it feels! Be diligent about taking the antibiotics. Maybe take some extra vitamin C, E, and airborne for the next couple of weeks before your big day. Oh, and take some probiotics to fend of messing up the good bacteria in your digestive system while you're on the antibiotics. Ok, that's my advice for the day!! Hope you feel better soon. Margaret p.s. I had to laugh at your last paragraph....I had to go to urgent care about 10 days ago for a toe injury (yes, that's right, a toe injury. I about chopped off the top half of my big toe when I tripped on my own feet heading out my front door). ALL the people in there were hacking and coughing and throwing up. I didn't want to touch anything, or even breathe!!
Anna Bryant
on 1/11/07 7:56 am - Roanoke, VA
Hi Margaret, thanks for the advice. I am already taking zicam and that is what shortened the cold. But it's always a toss up weather my colds will turn into bronchitis or a sinus infection. I'll take the sinus infection over the other any day of the week. I take extra vitamin C and walborne and some other MD something or other to boost my imune system...but you got me on the probiotics...what's that? I laugh about the urgent care because it really is like that. I really thought about putting a mask on... :lo: Then they could call me the lone ranger or wait maybe tonto.... I didn't and kind of wish I had. One guy on the other side of the room was coughing and not even covering his mouth....Ughhhh how rude. Hehe. See ya on the other side!! Anna
on 1/11/07 9:02 pm
Probiotics counter the affect that antibiotics have on your digestive system. Even if you don't have any noticible side affects from the antibiotics, they tend to strip your system of "good" bacteria, leading to ongoing bowel/tummy troubles and/or yeast infections. Probiotics help prevent this from happening and/or restore the balance of good bacteria in your body. Yogurt (I've been told organic is best....) is a good source of probiotics, but when I was on antibiotics for my last sinus infection the doc actually told me to get them in pill form. You can pick them up at the pharmacy or GNC in capsule form - usually in the vitamin section. Hope you're feeling better! Margaret
Christine Hood
on 1/11/07 9:58 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Don't Stress! I got a sinus infection right before mine too! It seems that you have plenty of time to get rid of it! Good luck! Christine
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