Richmond Event Roll Call
Believe me, take your hubby, unless of course you need the alone time! lol there will be lots to do and many people are bringing their spouses. I'm single, so I'm just bringing me and my kalua and creme for my Toasted Almonds. I'm bringing my 42 gram protein vials too if anyone wants to try the stuff.
Alas, not Rich and I. We probably weren't going to make it anyway given expenses incurred over the holidays and the timing of the event (scheduling-wise Jan is great but $$$-wise nope not good) but right now, my life is simply on hold.
I am scheduled for a re-excision of my lumpectomy on 01/23 but they will move that up if the surgeon gets a cancellation so I'm on the "will call" list. LOL. The original lumpectomy on 12/27 did not get all the cancer (no clear margins) so we got to go through this all over again. They also found invasive cancer in there that we didn't know about but both of those tumors were very tiny so I do not think that changes the prognosis or treatment plan which once I get everything surgically removed involves radiation therapy and hormone therapy.
I hope you all have a wonderful time and I look forward to hearing about it and seeing it in pictures!
Best wishes, Kathy
I'm dissappointed that you guys can't come, but I really understand why you can't. I'm making a trip up to D.C this Spring With Dylan and maybe we can meet up somewhere up that ways for Lunch or something. We plan on doing museum and national zoo stuff. Dylan is a Science freak, so the Space Museum and the Natural History Museum is on the top of our list. Maybe you and Rich could join us? Once I know my mom's chemo schedule, I can plan on dates.
I want you to know that I've been thinking a lot about your health lately. With mom being so sick it just makes me more aware of just how sick people can get with cancer. I've been nursing her this whole past week and it's not been pretty. I'm glad your tumors are tiny. that's a good thing.Mom's tumor grows at a phenomenal rate because it's a "blood sucker". It feeds off the blood supply and well, it's pushing into her bladder. It's hasn't breached yet, we are hoping the chemo will shrink it before that happens. She got really bad news this week. No clinical trial. The second testing they did showed that her tumor did not accept the the isotopes. It's extremely dissapointingg and we really didn't like the way the news that she was not accepted was presented. It really sucked actually. So, chemo is it for now.
Wanted to let you know that you are on my mom's prayer list for her church. I put you on it last week.