Good News/Bad News..Plastics Update
Well, I saw my PS for my 2 month checkup for my Anchor TT/ BA/BL. I've had some issues with my Breasts. He likes where the implants are now (his word was ecstatic) but I have to have the lift portion revised and the aerolas moved up and shaped. I kinda expected this, but now It's official. He showed me what he was going to do and I think when all is said and done they will be spectacular as long as my implant doesn't fall anymore.
So, the bad news is I'll need another surgery added to the others (oh yeah!). The good news is, we can have it at the surgical suite in his building and since it is a revision, no fees. Yeah. I think by the end of the year I will have bought the guy a mighty nice family vacation to Fiji with all the money I've paid. I finally get something free. Free is good! So we will do the Reverse TT (upper abdomen only) and the lift revision at the same time. They are both considered revsions, so I don't pay for the tummy either. Whew! The only thing is, I have to wait til April/early May. I need time to recover from the Thigh/Buttock lift. But I also want to look good for my European vacation this June. So it's cutting it close! Real Close!!!
For those who want to see my pics, I'll send you the link if you pm me. Warning, they are graphic (me in all my glory, including my pre-op photos for the thighs/buttocks) and remember that I need the revision on the breasts so don't judge too harshly (this is what happens when you have socks with rocks and try to fix them), so you'll see why. My tummy looks fabulous BTW, that I am completely thrilled with! I'm still flat as a pancake.
Hey woman,
You're right! Your tummy looks fabulous! I'm completely jealous of what a perfect hour-glass figure you have. You have come so far.
Dont get caught up in the negative, focus on the positive. Yep, you need a revision.. but you lost those rocks in the socks affect.. Yes??? So its all good.. You're a work in progress, get what you want, demand what you deserve.. You've paid for it.. Own it!
Love ya
Thank you sweetie. I feel better now that I talked to the doc and he was very open to revising the lift. I truly think I'm blessed that I didn' get a plastic surgeon with a "god complex". He wants me to be happy and we work toward that. Being a single woman now, my "girls" and how they look are important to me. joe would have been thrilled with them, he was a boob man. Too bad he's not here to enjoy them. I'm confident that they will look good after my Doc is done with them. He does do phenomenal work, you should see his before and after book. Just outstanding work on WLS people. We are "toughies", that skin integrity issue. Basically that's my problem, poor skin quality. Even though I'm relatively young, I was obese for a very long time. My stretch marks are like a road map to China!
Hey woman!
I can totally relate to how your "girls are important to you now". Sadly, we should all have felt this self-worth prior.. but thats not the case.
Reality is what it is. You look absolutely amazing. I know what you're saying, being "single" now, its hard to invision a candidate to share your intimate secrets and body with.. I fully understand, trust me.
I also understand skin integrity. Mine took such abusing, and I'm so much older than you. I hope you can get past the scars, and live life to its fullest. You are young enuf to want and desire it........ demand it!
Jane, I am so so jealous of that flat tummy - oh lord I hope when I get my plastics they look as good at the tummy!! It shouldn't be too much of a revision for the girls though and you will look more of a knockout than you currently are!!!
And the revisions are free - oh what luck!! My boobs sag just dreadfully and I am older than you so god only knows what has happened with my skin.... but I will have nice girls again someday!!!
I loved your pictures! It is good to keep a record to see where you came from. I was just thinking this morning that it really is pretty pathetic that I got to my age and finally I am a normal size - not where I want to be yet - but not obese any more. I have been huge all my life....
I think with minor revisions they will look really good. I just have to be patient. Patience is really something I don't have!
I'm glad I kept pics. I don't have many "fat"pictures" I had to spend a lot of time looking for them .I stayed away from cameras for a long time. Now, I don't mind a camera at all. I was also pretty much big since since I was about 10 years old. I went through "thinner" periods were I lost a lot of weight but Iw as never this thin, ever! It blows my mind. I know that eventually you will get where you want to be. It feels great to finally be comfortable in your own skin. It's something I still struggle with but I'm getting there. It boils down to fear I think. Fear of gaining back the weight, fear that I'll never look good. I know "get over it"! Jackie, it takes time. I didn't reach goal weight until after plastics. Now I'm below that point. It really helped re-invigorate my commitment to WLS. I've fallen off the wagon a few times, but I picked myself back up because I knew that I could not blow my chance at this. This was my "last Resort" and I have to take advantage of that fact.
I don't have too many before pics either - I avoided pictures because I was usually the biggest one in the picture which meant every picture I had taken I really did not like! I know how you feel - I was big from childhood too - always took larger size clothes than my age - always had lots of friends but of course never the good looking boyfriends from school days...... people would tell me their worries and confide in me but didn't want to date me...... once out of school I dated a lot but during school days I was never high on the date list. I can't ever remember being as thin as I am now at 162lbs - I would like to get to 140lbs but my surgeon says that will be too thin - but hey - you can dream!!
This is my last resort too - I have never been able to lose weight like this and I need to not waste this opportunity - and I do not intend to - I will never go back to where I was!!!