Pissed at The View.....
Ok, you don't really want my real opinion on this. But I'll give it anyway, cause' I'm opinioated. ok, I have to be honest. Surgery was easy for me. It was the easiest way I've ever lost weight. and kept it off. Really, I don't get offended when people say "it's the easy Way Out". If you want to go and lose it on your own, then more power to you. I'll see you in 5 years when you gained your 100 pounds back plus more. And as Leilani always says. It was Easy cause' it was a "Smart" way out of obesity. Everyday I thank god that this time it worked. I'm not saying we din't have hard work or had bad days, but heck when I can lose weight like this, keep it off and know that I can't just scarf down a whole pizza and a bucket of ice cream. We are smart for making a choice that not only restored our health but our whole lives.
Hey Corinn,
Its not often at ALL that I do this, however this one hits close to home. Usually I'm the type that can always see "both sides of an issue" and try to stay neutral. After knowing what I've gone thru for the past 5.5 years, I had to voice MY VIEW to Joy. I will agree that parts of my journey have been so EASY.. but other parts, and long-term parts and ramifications are not.
These are my comments to Joy in an email...
Joy.. Although I didn'****ch your show today, due to work constrictions, I'm privy to a vast community that did. (thousands)
I'm not gonna say I'm appauled at your comments, cuz frankly, I realize "ratings rank" in the TV environment.
Personally, I was offended. Its obvious your lack of education on the matter of gastric bypass.. maybe "education" isn't the right word.. lack of "interest" might be a better terminology.. led you to your comments.. or possibly it has nothing at all to do with nothing, other than voicing in the "moment".
As far as me, and I'm sure you dont give a chit.. I've lost 264 pounds, thanks to gastric by-pass surgery. Has it been the "easy-way-out".. Not at all. Some of the process was easy, but the long-term ramification as hard as hell.
I'm 5 1/2 years post op from RNY gastric bypass. I've had to under-go cosmetic surgeries for skin reduction and reconstruction. I'm FOREVER regulated by my dietary and vitamin regiments. Easy?? Hell no.. Cant take the calcium with anything, the synthroid is 1 hour b4 antyhing, the iron constipates the crap outta me (pardon the pun), i'm anemic beyond belief.. gotta get the Zelmorn in twice a day.. dont ever forget to endulge in at least 100 ounces of water per day.. oh.. protein consumption must equate to 60 grams or better.. don't eat a carb or a sugar treat.. or you'll be paying the price in the toilet and bed..
Lemme tell ya Joy, I always loved your attitude and ***** but for you to just throw "out" on the air-waves a comment that you had NO education on, makes me think less of you, and the entire VIEW.. and I used to be such a supporter.. freedom of speech and opinion and all, ya know.. hey, sometimes thing**** close to home!
Feel free to email me if you wanna know the REAL story behind the "easy-way-out", however, somehow, I truly think you're not interested!
Wendy in VA
Please, it's The View. Like a child, they will do/say anything for attention; whether it be negative or positive. Let them keep spouting off about things they know nothing about and eventually they will tick off enough people and their show will be cancelled.
The letters you ladies wrote were great. Unfortunately, the only impact they will have is making you feel better. Want to make an impact...change the channel. I have!