Thank you to everyone. Especially christine! Girl you have been there for me soooo much and I thank you. Thanks for the prayers. I really needed them. I thought at one point I wasn't going to make it. I was scared. The dr still doesn't know what is wrong why I needed 4 blood transfusions. It all started at a drop of a dime to. It went so fast. I was lying on the couch and I got up noticed a pain in my lower abdomen. As the night went on the pain got worse and worse. I told my mom to take me to the er. That something wasn't right. So I went to the er and waited and waited. It felt like I wanted to throw up. One time I came back from the bathroom I thought I was going to pass out. I was dripping with sweat I was dizzy and could barely walk. I told my mom to tell them to get me back there. They took me by wheel chair, and hooked me up to an iv. It took forever to see a Dr. I was in soooo much pain. It was crazy. They gave me a ct scan and determined it was my appendix. And that they were going to do emergency surgery to remove it. The dr said it was bad off but it had not ruptured yet. Thank God.
I think the next day I got up to go to the bathroom and next thing I knew the nurse was smacking me in the face telling me to get up get up. I had no idea where I was, what had just happened. My mom said I was out for like 5 minutes and it look like I had a seizure. I was shaking and my eyes rolled up. I was scared. Well they gave me 4 blood transfusions. And kept me doped up most of the time. I remember christine and wendy being there but I don't remember jessica being there. I guess I was on meds... Sorry...
Thanks for everyone seeing me and calling and praying for me.
Im still in a lot of pain. And still taking percoit (spelling). Makes me sweat bad. But it takes the pain away for a little. I have an appointment with the Dr. On wed. So I hope he might have an answer or something. Who knows?
Thanks again everyone. I have to go to bed....
Hello Cheryl !!
YAY !!! You are back. I was SUPPOSED th come visit you on Friday with Christine but Pete was stuck at wor****il past 9pm.
I am so glad you are doing better. I sent a few comments to your myspace.
I am sure Chevy's lost alot of business last weekend with you guys not being there !!!
Take care of yourself girl !! W were all worried about you !!
Love ya !!

Hey sweet thing.
I'm so glad you are home. What a nightmare you have been through. I cannot believe after all that time, and those tests, and how sick you were, that they still have no answers? Did the swelling in your belly subside?
I'm so sorry you are still in pain. I hope they find out answers fast. Did they never do exploratory surgery to look around inside?
My prayers are still with you girl.
Keep us updated on how you are feeling, and let me know if you need anything.
Cheryl I am glad that you are out of hospital but it is bad that they still don't know what was wrong with you and that you are still in some pain........ I can't even imagine what you have been though but I would have been scared to death too! You are very brave.
Please do not let the doctors palm you off - keep asking questions until you get an answer....
Cheryl, I am so glad you are home but sorry you are still in pain. You had us all scared but you had alot of prayers coming your way. Take things easy for awhile and let things heal. So glad you were well enough to come home. If you need anything, let us all have a family here and we love ya....Hugs, Betsy