It is Official .
Oh My Goodness!!!!
What a great birthday suprise! How romantic!
Well today is my birthday, and I called my DH at work to ask what we could have for dinner......he said, and I quote..." oh, I dont care, what ever you decide to cook will be fine, I will be home around 6pm, I love you, good bye." God knows that I love him, but he just doesn't seem to take hints too well. I guess I could have been very blunt and asked him where he was taking me for my birthday dinner.... We have been married for a wonderful 12 years and I should know by now. So now I am wondering, should I cook a dinner for us, or should I have my shoes and coat on when he comes home and ask him where we are going?
Congratulations on your engagment!!! You will make such a beautiul bride!!!!
PS... Happy 1 day late birthday to you. Capricorns rock!