i have bad new
thank you all for your prayer it readly touch my heart as of now he wont be back in the state intil monday he going in for surgery tomorrow to pad some of the bone in the neck that were shatteredby the bullet he is not concious at all he very heavy sedated mondat he will be at Bethesda naval hospital no ideal where that is family said the bullet came out a little lower in his upper back still not looking good but the family have alot of hope and prayer from all over and are thankful for the reposie we are geting thank you Ila
Dear Ila, I am so sorry for you, for your family, and for cousin Josh. Yes, I am definitely sending lots of prayers your way. I so much admire and respect all the military men and women and pray for them all every day. My nephew is going to be deployed in a week. Our family is all very nervous, but it is what he wants to do and of course we are 100% supportive.
Please keep us posted on this Ila,