Breast Augmentation pics on profile...
Hello Everyone !!
I just added my breast lift/ augmentation pictures..with clothes of course !!..on my pictures page. I am 10 months out and was ready to get started on the plastics.
Many people have concerns about when to have plastics done.
It just depends and every situation or person is different. The right time is mostly when your weight has stabilized and your WLS doctor feels it is an okay time for you to get started with it. Sometimes the docs encourage a tummy tuck a bit sooner to make exercising easier. In my case, I was fairly happy with my weight and so was my weight loss surgeon. He reiterated that the GBS is a tool. I can speed my weight loss up or slow it down with eating and exercising behaviors. 157lbs, I was ready to roll on this !!!
I hope this helps anyone looking to have this done. I am VERY happy with the results !! My Plastic surgeon is exceptional.
Hope everyone is doing well on his or her journey !!

Hi Dana, very nice!! The girls look very, well, perky!! Your surgeon did an outstanding job.
By the way, Dana, I have a question about your profile. I can't find out how to do this -- but how do you make your profile one continuous read rather than having to click on the month. It seems so disjointed on mine cause you have to click on a month to read it, but I sure like the way yours read. Can you help me?

Thanks Donna !! He did do a great job. I had lost weight before and he did a tummy tuck on me. His tummy tuck work was able to withstand a 100+ lb weight gain plus a full term pregnancy and it is still washboard flat. So I don't even need a revision on it !!
With your profile...Go**** was a mess for me to get mine in this new format !! Natalie seems to be a pro at it as well as Amber..but find the archieve option and click on that. That way you should be able to organize it that way. It took me forever to figure it out. Also, I emailed Dame Tooter a few times to get a few things straightened out. Good luck !!
Thanks again for the compliment !!

Let me tell you , I seen these on your MS account .. got up ran to Alan and said .. These are what I want .... Dana .. you look stunning .. and you can see the joy in your face ... This is my year for plastics as soon as I get the other dumb crap over with .. I have it all lined up .. just gotta take each as they come . I am doing my TT first then the gurls .. I have to now be more careful of the surgeries I have due to my adrenal issues .. but I am getting me some !
All I can say is DAMNNNN GURL .... OR GURLS ..
Hugs .
Thank you, Tink !! I have a great Plastic Surgeon. I can honestly say that. He had some work on his !!! I hope he does just as good of a job on my butt and thigh lift on the 18th of this month.
Yes, you need to be VERY careful. That isn't something to play around with. I wish you good health and a year of good fortune and wedding bells !!!

Your'e smokin' hot Dana. The girls are looking good. enjoy them while they are up high for now. I love not having to wear a bra under camisoles now. I guess I need to update my booby pics too. I still feel like I need the lift part revised, but it's minor stuff. I see the doc tommorrow to discuss my progress and my next round. Damn, you look good!
Thank you Jane...I am getting ready for round two also...on the 18th. I am sure my doc will do an excellent job with this one too. This one isn't as exciting as the boob job was ..but I am ready just to get it all over with and be healed and ready for the summer !!
I can't believe you just had it done and need a revision. He should have been able to see his work when he sat you up on the OR table and corrected it there. The OR isn't my area of expertise but sheshhhhh..I wouldn't be too happy about having to consider a revision right afterwards !!
Take care !! You look great also !!!