Making my Profile Private
Anyone know how to make your profile only viewable to friends? Because of my impeding lawsuit (wrongful death), I'm thinking that I don't want any lawyers from the other side to read anything on me. I'm worried I might even have to take everything off all together and cease posting. The lawyers are very strict about what I can say to people. sigh...If I have to stop coming here, I'd just be even more depressed than I am now. You guys are my lifeline. BTW, for those who have followed my case about my husband's death. I now have 4 lawyers, 4 doctors, 3 expert witnesses. It's getting very real and causing me severe anxiety. It's making my attempt to quit smoking...again, very hard. T he good thing is they all agree that I have an excellent case. I have hope now. Thanks for listening.
Oh Jane, you are in my thoughts and prayers!!! I am sorry I don't know exactly how to make it private but I would say start in my account under general. There has got to be a way to do it. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I so hope you do not have to stop coming here for support!!
You can make your profile private. I don't think there is anyway to let just friends access it. Once it is private, it stays private to everyone but you. It would be a nice feature if it could be done so only friends could view it.
By the way, thank you for your posts; good information in them!
Deborah B.
Hey Jane, the only option that I could find in profile preferences was to make it NOT VISIBLE. Only you will be able to see it. I did not see an option for friends only yet. I'm sure they are working on it. The good thing is that you can continue to update it as you go and once its all said and done, you can make it public again and still have information when you added it.
I'm sorry you're going through this, I can't imagine how hard it is. It sounds like you're getting through it and you've got a good case. If you do have to leave here, feel free to call me anytime and talk. I'm just across the water!
Brenden and I are going to the Tidewater ASA Meeting tonight, do you do any of that over there??
Wow I didn't know we were that close! I have to say you look FABULOUS! I'm so inspired by you sweetie!
I'm doing great as far as life goes, I'm really loving being a mommy. The weight is another issue...but I'm working on changing my habits and kicking carbs in the butt. I saw Dr. C for my 2 year and we discussed going LOW carb HIGH protien (read adkins type) and I did that for a week and lost 6 lbs now I just have to get back to goes away so easily when you are occupied with other crap.
But yeah I'm learning how to "use" my pouch as the tool it is...jsut took me awhile to do that!
Thanks for the compliments on my munchkin...he is 15 months old now and walking! HUGS!
Momma to Gabe the Babe (10/2405)
RN to be...six months and counting!
Hey Jane,
I very briefly considered action regarding my being overdosed with morphine at UVa. then I realized that I suffered no physical damage, and that no jury would really care how dangerous my care was, when I came out of it just fine, due to the excellent nursing care I received. The little interns did a great job, too.
I had given more consideration to action following Jim's diagnosis with pancreatic cancer. He had just had an extensive work-up when he had the pacemaker implanted 1 mo. before. How did those doctors in MS miss THAT?
Again, knowing one month earlier would not have changed the outcome. My mental health is in tact. I can only imagine how stresssful this is for you. Hang in there.
If you have to abandon your info here, do print it off and save it at home in a lock box for the future. This will come to an end one day and you might can re-post then.
Strength and fortitude to you,