How does your multi-vitamin measure up?
I found this article very interesting, and was thankful mine stood up to the test
WE had a nutritionist come to our support group meeting a couple weeks ago. She pointed out to me that my "Vitamin Shoppe" brand multi's were crap!!! So having the expensive brand is not necessarily where it's at either. There has to be a specific guideline you are looking at when choosing the right brand for you. For me, I have to keep taking the crap ones till they are gone............thanks for the reminder baby!!! XOXOOXOXO

After the OH conference on October where Dr Stickler from Medabolix told us that many multivits and supplements were listed in the "Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements" by Lyle MacWilliams and that Centrum Silver only scored 4.7, I changed my multivitamin to the one developed by their organization for WLS patients and sold by Douglas Laboratories which scored 70. It may be a little more expensive but I do feel a difference.
They do have a website - However they do not sell to the public sp you have to order using Dr Sticklers patient id - which he gives out freely so they know what to do. Here is the complete note he sent me:
Automatic Ship Vitamins
Douglas Laboratories
Douglas Labs has a new program that allows automatic shipment of vitamins. These are the vitamins that we stock and the vitamins that make up our private label mutipacks as well. We like this program because you will automatically get your vitamins and not have to rely on visits to our office and hope we have our stock available. Douglas Labs will only allow for physicians to distribute their vitamins so you will need to supply them with my reference number and then it will come through to us to approve them.
You will need to call 1-888-368-4522
Give account number: 2138409
You can have these shipped monthly, every other month, or every 3 months.
Here is the list that we recommend:
Vitamin Formula number Price How often
Multivitamin 4543 (120 per bottle) 27.00 2 per day
Opti-EPA fish oil 99276 (60 per bottle) 22.40 2 per day
This combination will replace our multipacks and will only be missing the Lipitrol pill. The fish oil here is a much higher grade than what we have in the multipacks. I recommend every patient take these two vitamins. Have 1 bottle of multivitamin and two bottles of Opti-EPA shipped every other month as a standing order.
Other options to add to your regimen:
For persons with cholesterol issues
Lipitrol 81158 (60 per bottle) 17.20 1 per day
Thea-Stat 98737 (30 per bottle) 28.10 1 per day
Cardio-edge 99134 (120 per bottle) 38.40 2 - twice a day
*Cardio-edge is excellent for people with high cholesterol and heart disease
For Iron issues
Amino Iron FEC (100 per bottle) 6.80 2 per day
For Calcium citrate + Magnesium + Vitamin D Calcigard CA4 (90 per bottle) 10.40 2 per day
* this is a great calcium, I have not found one over the counter that equals it
Alpha Lipoic acid LPA (60 per bottle) 16.70 1 per day
CoQ10 w/ Lipoic acid 7362 (60 per bottle) 60.00 1 per day
Hormonal support DHEADHEA (100 per bottle)14.00 1 per day
Help with sleep or insomnia
Melatonin 3mg. MEL (60 per bottle) 10.90 1 30 min before sleep
I only buy the multivitamin and the fish oil though
I've been told since day one to take Flintstone Completes and I've stuck with it. I'm so glad now! I thought about changing to an "adult" formula but then I thought, why fix what isn't broke??? Besides, they taste good! My Mom told me that when I was a child she used to find me hiding under the kitchen table eating Flintstone Vitamins. Maybe that's why I'm 6 feet tall?!?!?!
Have a good day, all.
This was very interesting . Makes you wonder how the Vitamin Shoppe gets away with the Lead in the womans brand .. hmm I buy from there most of my suppliments .. like my b-complexes .
I get my prenatals from Walmart or Sams .. and yet to have any issues . I wonder though... do I really need to buy from a Bariatric Vitamin Dealer ... I really cann ot tell any difference . Except for price ..
Something to ponder today ..