Thanks! That's great information to know about the time/pounds between 26 and 24....I seem to be tettering between the two in pants....and it's taken longer to tetter to the 24s than it was before. Good to know I'm "normal"....or at least not alone in my experience! I was really hoping to be in my adorable 22s by my birthday, but I'll just have to wait....the clothes will be there when I'm ready for them!
Christina S

It frustrated the heck out of me that it took that long, but I after that first 50 pounds, I was in a new size about every 5-6 weeks. So don't go crazy buying clothes!!! When you get to Large Shirts and size 14/12's let me know. I have some great size 14/12 capri pants and pretty tops that may fit you. Are you going to Richmond?
HI Christina, I don't know where all those other people learned math, but 24 from 32 is 8, so you went down 8 sizes!! Yup, I like the sound of that one!! Cause aren't there junior sizes in there somewhere, like from a 14 to a 13 to a 12 to an 11!! See, we can make it work out to whatever we want.
Congratuations on losing 8 sizes Christina!!!
And Happy New Year to you, hope to see you at the next support!!