Back after LONG absence
Hey sweet stuff,
GREAT to see you posting again!!!!! Wondered what the heck had happened to you, was HOPING that life had just become so wonderful and so busy that you were out living every second of it. Although it sounds like youve been doing a little bit of that too, it also sounds like youve had some serious health issues as well.
I'm SO SORRY to hear about all the complications after the tummy tuck, but am in AWE of your positive spirits and determination beyond it all.
WOW - if more people would approach obstacles like that there would be so many more successful outcomes. It's easy to get wrapped up in the negatives of the moment or a situation, but for me, that can lead to a bout of depression and Ive never been successful when I get caught up in that dark hole. Positive thinking is the only way to go, and you've perfected it.
Thank you so very much for your kind words to my post about my husbands submarine. As you know, first hand, having met Paul several times, he's my WORLD and I love him dearly. I was FINALLY able to talk to him on the phone yesterday - wow, talk about an emotionally packed phone call.
Take care of you - hope to see more of you here. Although I get pulled in a variety of directions because of all the boards Ive joined, I do try to come here at least a few times a week.
Hugs - Lei
Hi Lei ~~ Trying for a third time to respond to your reply - evidently was problems with the site.
First of all--let me say how happy I was to hear that you were actually able to speak to Paul. I know his voice was music to your ears after such a tramatic incident with his command. I know it must have helped Paul's spirits to hear your voice as well. Your strong, loving support of Paul and his career is to be applauded. I am keeping you and Paul as well as the rest of the bereaved sub crew and families in my prayers.
I have indeed been blessed. The pulmonary embolism was truly a blessing in disguise. Had I not been in Portsmouth Medical Center when the symptoms of the ulcer perforation reared it's head----who knows what the outcome might have been. Once again I must say that this ulcer perforation had NO connection to by gastric bypass in 2003. As for being negative----I had toooo many years being super morbidly obese wallowing in fear, sadness and depression. I REFUSE to go back to those pits of despair. Sometimes easier said than done...but I keep on plugging along.
Wish I had been aware of the Richmond conference before now. I have been wanting to venture out of my comfort zone and find a place to meet some new people. This would have been a perfect opportunity...maybe next time.
Take care, Lei-- Angel on your shoulder