Back after LONG absence

on 1/1/07 12:24 pm - Chesapeake, VA
Hello Everyone ~~ I wanted to pop in to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! It's been a long time since I have posted. It's so good to see familiar names still here helping all of us--Tink, Leilani, Wendy, Dave and all the rest. I had major complications following abdomniaplasty in August. (too long to post here--it's all in my profile) I have been blessed to be pronouced totally "healed" by both my surgeons after 4 months and look forward to getting back in touch with the Va. board. Angel on your shoulder ^ii^ ^ii^
Jane M.
on 1/1/07 8:32 pm - Williamsburg, VA
Cindy!!!! Hey. I'm so glad to see you. I sorry about your complications after your TT. I know that you've gone through a rough time but I'm glad your finally healed. I missed seeing you around here too! Hugs, Jane
on 1/2/07 7:47 am - Chesapeake, VA
It was rough...but as I tell in my profile I had excellent care at Portsmouth. I just kept telling myself and my caregivers that failure was NOT an option !! I followed their directions to the letter and it's all worked out beautifully. I wasn't sure whether to post this part of my journey--I didn't want to scare anyone out there thinking about plastics---but we are here to learn the good, bad and I decided it must be included in my profile. I do NOT regret having the tummy tuck but have learned from my experience that anything can happen. Nothing is guarenteed. It's good to be back. Angel on your shoulder
on 1/2/07 12:50 am - Barboursville, VA
WOW!!!!! Thats all I can say, Im glad you posted you have given me inspiration that I might get there. I started at 410 and Im at 239 now but 160 170 is my goal but its been slow and Im thankful for what I have lost but I did have someone tell me once Id be lucky if I got 200 pounds off well Im at 171 not far to go for the 200 mark but I want to be 160 soon so thanks seeing your post gave me hope again. Great Job..
on 1/2/07 7:57 am - Chesapeake, VA
You know, we all start at the beginning....whatever that might be. DO NOT LET ANYONE tell you you cannot make your goal. All good things come in the right time. This surgery was such a blessing--many people I know say my transformation has been a miracle. Back in the beginning of my journey--I also had negative people give me those "looks". Honey--I just refused to give any attention to those negative people--in several cases I had to distance myself from them in order to keep on track. I felt bad--but, heck my life was at stake! One of the best lessons I have learned the past few years is that I have to take care of me at ALL costs. Sometimes the "cost" is painful....but very very necessary. Bset of luck on your journey----I look forward to reading your future triumphant posts of progress. Angel on your shoulder
Carole V.
on 1/2/07 12:53 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Hi Cindy, Long time no see. I'm sorry to hear of your complications, whew that was a definite close call for you. I do want to comment on your excellent attitude, though. We can all take a lesson from you on the right way to live with the awful things that happen to us sometimes. Your gratitude and joy in the face of life-threatening issues and painful recovery is inspiring. As a matter of fact, the ONLY resolution I made this year is to face whatever comes my way with a remembrance of all the good things that remain a part of my life. The universe has thrown some nasty curve balls the last couple of years, and it is so easy to fall into the depths of depression and self-pity. I know that many others on this board have suffered so much. Thanks for your inspiring story. I wish you continued good health and happiness. Carole
on 1/2/07 8:11 am - Chesapeake, VA
Carole~~~ OMG! You look absolutely incredible, girlfriend! I need to read up on your profile--I am so behind in keeping myself updated on everyone. Thanks for your kind words. We all have issues and I am certainly no different. I am so blessed to have had such meticulous medical care from the entire staff that I came in contact with.My spirits were kept uplifted by my precious children and grandchildren (my 5 yr old granddaughter was "smuggled in" one evening--she walked in like she owned the place--and noone told her any different) I had the prayers of many friends and churches. I just knew there was NO WAY I would not fully recover. Angel on your shoulder
on 1/2/07 1:48 am - Va Beach, VA
Hey Cindy, Hugs! So good to hear from you again. My goodness, what a nightmare your recovery was. I'm so thankful they were able to get you healed. What a scary time for you, and especially your family. You had an angel watching over you my friend. Wendy
on 1/2/07 8:22 am - Chesapeake, VA
Hi Wendy ~~ Indeed I did have an angel watching over me. As I said before I now know not to take anything for granted again and to be grateful--even for the little "hiccups" in life. Temporary setbacks---that will soon be a part of the past. All I have to do is hang on till it passes. (though I must say it is sometimes much easier said than done) Isn't that what this board and our personal support systems are all about?? God Bless them all. Angel on your shoulder
on 1/2/07 9:43 am - Va Beach, VA
Hey sweetie, You sure hit the nail on the head! Personal support systems are SO important, no matter what we face, and this community has bailed me out emotionally more times than I can count! Anything you need, someone will come to your aid, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. If you need anything, gimme a hollar! Hope we can see eachother again really soon. Wendy PS... I LOVE that your family was able to sneak your precious girl in for you.. that must've lifted your spirits tremendously!
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