Prayers Please........
Thank you everyone for your continued concern..... so far we have still not found him - we have been out searching again this morning but still no sign of him. The police have not found him yet and say no-one has handed him in. It really is fairly pointless to search for him in the rain because he doesn't like the wet and rain (won't even walk through a puddle- walks around it!) and will be in shelter somewhere but we feel we have to be doing something. So we have been out looking everywhere we can think of that there could even be a remote possibility he could have gone. I can't believe no-one has seen him and reported him...... we have the railway line behind us and have walked the length of that in case he decided to walk there- yet I was terrified in case he had been hit by a train.... there are so many thoughts in my head right now.....
I am so sad....and so is the rest of the family..... we continue to look and pray....
Thank you for your continued prayers...
Jackie, honey, I am so so sorry. I wanted to call you but didn't have your number (again!!). Listen, someone has him in their home, I just know it. I mean worse thoughts are that he wa**** by a car, and if that happened you woud see him on the road. So what you need to do if you haven't is to put those signs all over your neighborhood. They really work!! Also, tomorrow call the vets in your area, some times people take stray dogs to vets (not sure why unless they're hurt, but my vet said it happens all the time).
Please keep us informed - I was hoping for good news today. But I am really sure that someone has him in their home and just looking for you too!! One thing about dogs is they are social and they will look for people (as opposed to cats who 'hang' ou****ching!!!).
love going your way Jackie,

Thanks for your concern Donna - we have signs up and have also put them in people's letter boxes, near the VRE, local shops etc - the problem is that the animal shelters do not open up again until tomorrow so they may even have him but we won't know.....
I have left messages with all the local vets and vet hospitals etc in case he gets handed in...
He is friendly and would gravitiate towards people and other dogs rather than be on his own so I am still hopeful... but as every day passes I grow way more concerned for his welfare....
I am so sorry to hear about Cody! I have an idea that you may not have considered yet. We have many dogs here on the farm where I work and when one goes missing and we can't find them for a long time, guess where they almost always turn up? Locked up in a barn, shed or other space where they were able to get into but not out of. Sometimes they can crawl into a space but can't figure out how to get back out. Please look under your house if you have a crawl space, in your sheds, cellars, basements, under porches, in barns or other areas in your neighborhood. Chances are he isn't far away. Also, you can hear more at night when it is quiet. He may whimper when you call that can be more easily heard at night.
Good Luck, Sweetie, and keep us posted!
Thanks Karen - we have ben looking in neighbors areas that we know are away etc just in case he did something like that. He is very verbal though so if he was stuck he would holler!! We do have some half built houses here so we did go into them yesterday in case he went in there and was sleeping and didn't hear us.
We looked around last night and will do so again tonight in case he is trapped somewhere - thanks for your suggestion. Bill has today off and he is out walking the streets calling for him in case he is trying to wander home...
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I have two Cairn Terriers who like to sneak out and go for a "joy-run" but we have nice neighbors who know my Brownie and Scout and just pick them up and plop them back in the yard if we are not home. I hope a neighbor will spot him for you soon. I would be frantic all night too just as I am sure you are. Maybe if your husband could drop some of his already worn socks around the neighborhood, your dog would find the "Alpha" dog's scent on the sock and find a way home. I dont' know if it will work for your dog and I know it sounds ridiculous, but it worked when we lost one of my dogs. We took some of Harry's stinky socks and dropped them around the neighborhood and when our dog was found by a neighbor he was hanging on to the sock for dear life.
Sometimes delaying the laundry is a good thing.
Let us know when you find your pup!
Well it has been two nights now and he is not found - and it was very cold and icy last night...... so it renewed my concern for his arthritis.... we are going out of our mind with worry now as no-one has even seen him - it is like he disappeared off of the face of the earth!
I am not sure at his age he even has a sense of smell but it is worth considering....
Sorry to hear about Cody!! I wish I could think of something that hasn't already been suggested by any one else. You are probibly already talking to children in the neighborhood, they often notice when a dog is out, that they don't know. What about flyers at the local schools? I wish you good luck and send you good vibes. My heart goes out to you and your family!!!
Aaaw, honey - I'm SO SORRY to read this. Trust me, I completely understand how attached we become to our fur-babies, they truly are CHILDREN for some (most?) of us. I love my 3 boys to pieces and only ONE of them has 2 legs and no fur!
I hope by now, you've had some good news, but saw as recently as January 1st, you still had not found Cody.
Positive thoughts, vibes, prayers and mojo that your baby finds his way home ... or if he's as spoiled as our boys..... as he's impatiently tapping his paws, chowing down on some good puppychow, anxiously awaiting Momma's arrivial to come get him.
Hugs - Lei